Was Chapter 213 complimenting me on my looks

All the cameras were focused on the two of them. The shutter button clicked, 'kacha', 'kacha', and the scene was even more sensational than the appearance of a superstar.

Sha Zhixing was wearing slippers and her clothes were Luo Xichen's. Her hair was messy, and she felt very uncomfortable being exposed in front of the media.

She raised her hand in discomfort and tried to cover her face, but Luo Xichen hugged her with one arm and buried her head in his arms.

The reporter's curiosity was piqued by his protective action.

"Mr. Luo, can you explain your relationship with this lady?"

"Is this the lady from the mall?"

"How long have you two been dating?"

The reporter's high-pitched voice rang out one after another.

Luo Xichen held Sha Zhixing with one arm and led her into the stall calmly. He packed two snacks and carried her into the car as if the reporters were not around.

Then, the white Lamborghini left, leaving the group behind.

Sha Zhixing felt much more relaxed without the reporters. She could not help but tease him again. "I didn't know you were so popular with the media!"

Luo Xichen glanced at her and said disdainfully, "This is a fact that everyone knows."

Sha Zhixing was stunned by his words.

Then, she imitated his tone and said slowly, "Confidence is as high as looks."

"Are you complimenting my looks?" Luo Xichen smiled lazily.

Sha Zhixing's forehead was sweating.

Second Young Master Shao, although everyone knows that you are good-looking, is there a need to mention it so often?

However, although his two sentences were narcissistic, she actually agreed with him.

As long as the media was around, Luo Xichen's appearance would definitely cause a sensation.

As for looks, if he entered the entertainment industry, he would definitely make a name for himself.

Luo Xichen saw her reaction from the corner of his eye and his thin lips slowly curved upwards.

"Where are we going?" Sha Zhixing looked at the street outside and opened a bag of snacks.

"I'm taking you to a place." Luo Xichen smiled and did not say anything.

Sha Zhixing guessed that it might be a special restaurant that she had never been to. She did not ask any more questions. She leaned back in her chair and started eating with a toothpick.

The two of them bought salt-fried chicken and spicy squid. The two bags were very large.

After a few bites, she looked at Luo Xichen, who had been busy driving. Sha Zhixing picked up a small piece of food and brought it to Luo Xichen's lips.

Luo Xichen was a little surprised by her natural action.

He often did this kind of thing, but it seemed to be the first time for her...

Was this progress?

The corners of his lips curled up slightly. He swallowed the food that she had brought him.

Sha Zhixing then fed him some more and chatted with him while enjoying the food.

"Didn't you call Aunt Lan?" Sha Zhixing asked.

"There were so many reporters at that shop. She won't need us to report it to her. She will know soon enough," Luo Xichen replied casually.

"Does it matter if you don't go?" She guessed that Wen Lan had made this decision because there was something wrong with the company. Her voice suddenly sounded worried.