Chapter 214, the secret kingdom

Luo Xichen was silent for a few seconds after her words. Then, he said nonchalantly, "It's okay. I'll go over and take a look when I have time."

He paused, looked sideways at her, and asked faintly, "Do you want to go to Northern Ireland for a few days and visit grandfather and Rong Ci?"

Sha Zhixing's hands stopped moving, and she looked at him in shock.

Go together?

If he was going to be gone for a long time, she would not be able to accompany him. However, if he was only going to stay for a few days, then there would be no problem at all.

Besides, she had a good relationship with the Luo family. It had been a long time since they last saw each other, so it was only right for her to go.

Sha Zhixing nodded at the thought.

Luo Xichen smiled faintly and turned his attention back to driving.

They were heading out of the city and towards C City.

C City was the home of the Luo and Sha families. It was a few hours' drive away from the city where they now worked.

The last place Luo Xichen parked was a very large castle. It was as magnificent as a European palace. The lawn that extended from the main gate was as big as a football field. There were lakes and streams inside, and the environment was as beautiful as a resort. The location was between the two cities, close to C City.

The castle was brightly lit. There was a long road leading from the gate to the main house. There were two groups of men in uniform lined up neatly on the side of the road. The formation was very large.

Sha Zhixing had been sleepy in the car. She looked out of the window and saw such a magnificent scene. She woke up immediately.

'Where am I?'

Luo Xichen did not explain. He got out of the car first and opened the door for her. He held her wrist and led her step by step into the castle.

As soon as they entered the gate, the two groups of people who had been waiting beside them bowed to the two of them and greeted Luo Xichen respectfully. "Second Young Master!"

Their attitude was humble and they respected Luo Xichen as much as they respected the royal family.

"Mm." Luo Xichen replied lightly and continued walking with Sha Zhixing in his hand.

Sha Zhixing was still wearing slippers on her feet and she was also wearing home clothes. Although she was wearing Luo Xichen's coat, it was still very uncomfortable to be surrounded by so many people all of a sudden.

Her hands twisted the hem of her clothes uneasily, and her footsteps were a little stiff.

Luo Xichen did not need to look to know what she was thinking when he felt that she had slowed down. He turned his head and ordered the group coldly, "Turn around!"

The rest of the people turned around as if they had received an imperial edict.

Sha Zhixing was a little dumbfounded.

This aura was too strong!

Luo Xichen watched the scene expressionlessly from the beginning to the end. He carried her in his arms, pressed her head against his chest, and quickened his pace to take her into the place.

"Why do those people listen to you so much?" Sha Zhixing raised her head. Her eyes were filled with amazement as she thought of the scene just now.

Luo Xichen was too domineering. Even a king on a patrol could be so domineering, right?

Luo Xichen did not explain directly. Instead, he asked indifferently, "What do you want to eat later?"

In fact, the food in the car had already filled Sha Zhixing's stomach. She shook her head lightly and said, "I'm full."

"That's good. Let's go into the room and do something else!" Luo Xichen bit her earlobe improperly.

Sha Zhixing knew what he was referring to, and her face turned red...


There will be ten chapters today. It's already the seventh watch