Chapter 219: A Beautiful Man

"Don't... Don't!" Sha Zhixing screamed as she tried to dodge, but Luo Xichen refused to let her go...

"I didn't mean to kick there!" Sha Zhixing knew how to read the situation. She was obviously in a weak position, so she explained in a soft voice.

She really didn't mean to kick there. She was just shocked by him and instinctively wanted to resist. She moved very quickly and simply kicked there.

"It's not like you haven't done it on purpose!" Luo Xichen did not even bother to remove his clothes and started to torture her...

A few hours later...

Sha Zhixing was so tired that her limbs were sore and her waist looked like it was going to break.

Luo Xichen had tortured her for a long time with a very good reason. He made it sound like he wanted to check if some of his functions were still normal after that kick.

Sha Zhixing was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but she did not have the strength to resist. She did not even know how she ended up falling asleep in the end.

When she woke up the next day, Luo Xichen was not in the room.

The floor-to-ceiling curtains of the huge room were wide open. The sunlight shone in from the outside and projected onto one end of the bed. The mottled lights danced and it was warm and quiet.

Sha Zhixing lifted the sheets and looked at the bruises on her body. She cursed Luo Xichen a few times in her heart. She lifted the sheets and wanted to get out of bed, but the door was suddenly pushed open.

Three people came in. They were a pair of very beautiful children. They were about six or seven years old. Their faces were very similar and they looked very delicate. They seemed to be twins. There was also a young man whose gender could not be distinguished at a glance.

Sha Zhixing was stunned. The young man looked at her and she almost reflexively wanted to pull up the sheets to cover her entire body, but she was surprised to find that the man did not have an Adam's apple.

A woman!

"Hi, my name is Hai Yue. I'm of the same type as you." The man greeted her first and deliberately emphasized the last sentence.

"Sha Zhixing!" Sha Zhixing's lips twitched awkwardly at her words. She introduced herself and her gaze fell on her face.

Hai Yue had short, beautiful hair. The tip of her nose was raised, and her eyes were bright and lively. Her facial features were very beautiful, unlike the gaudy beauty. Her beauty was pure and there was a heroic spirit in it. She was like a cold plum standing proudly in the snow, a style of her own. She looked like a pretty boy from a manga.

If a face like this was on the cover of a magazine, it would definitely sweep through many A-list female celebrities.

Hai Rui was also sizing her up. Her gaze was direct and did not hide anything. Her gaze was full of inquiry.

The three of them entered the house. The six-year-old girl was the most excited. She climbed onto her bed and leaned in front of her. She carefully looked her up and down a few times before letting out a sigh. "So this is the type that Brother Xichen likes!"

Her voice was tender and clear. It had the cute voice of a child and was as clean as a person.

Sha Zhixing's eyes swept across the group of people without a trace of emotion. As she looked at the unfamiliar faces, she furrowed her brows in suspicion.

Why were they staring at her like that?

"Hi, my name is Hai Zhu." The little girl mimicked Hai Yue's tone and smiled as she greeted her.

"Hai Luo." Another voice drifted in. Compared to Hai Zhu and Hai Rui's previous voices, this time, it sounded even cooler.

The corner of Sha Zhixing's lips twitched as she turned her gaze from Hai Zhu's face to Hai Luo.

Hai Luo and Hai Zhu were indeed twins, but their personalities were completely different. Unlike Hai Zhu's cuteness, Hai Luo was more like an adult.