Chapter 220 the logic of the second young master Shao

"You are..." Sha Zhixing did not know who the three of them were. She asked in confusion.

"Brother Xichen's sister," Hai Zhu answered sweetly.

The corner of Sha Zhixing's mouth twitched slightly.

How did she not know that Luo Xichen had these few siblings?

Just as she was wondering, Hai Zhu's voice sounded again. "Who are you to him?"

Just as she finished her sentence, Hai Luo answered her with disdain.

"Stupid Hai Zhu, do you even need to ask? Who else could sleep in his bed but not his woman?"


Sha Zhixing was stunned by his words.

How old was this brat? Now he already knew about the relationship between a man and a woman?

"Do you know what you meant by that?" Sha Zhixing was very rude and sour towards him.

Hai Luo replied her very valiantly. "Stupid woman, your question has lowered my IQ too much."

"..." Sha Zhixing was stunned by him until she almost fainted.

She was actually despised by a six or seven-year-old child...

What surprised her even more was Hai Luo's adult-like tone.

"It's not good to mature too early!" Sha Zhixing slapped his head. Sha Zhixing was very disdainful of his words.

Hai Luo took a heavy hit from her. He hugged his head and rubbed it before replying her with a sentence that almost made her choke. "At least it's better than you being unripe at such a late hour!"

The corner of Sha Zhixing's eyes twitched.

Was she shocked again?

Where did this damned brat see that she was unripe?

Hai Yue and Hai Zhu were laughing happily at the side. One of them pursed her lips as if she was embarrassed to be too ostentatious. The other one was laughing wildly and his voice was even more cheerful than a boy's.

"Do you know what it means to mature early and mature late?" Sha Zhixing gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to pat Hai Luo again.

"Isn't it just like that?" Hai Luo replied arrogantly as he held his little hand and coolly sat on the sofa next to her.

The corner of Sha Zhixing's eyes twitched and she really wanted to ask, "What's that like?"

But... Why was she discussing this with a little kid?

Sha Zhixing could not figure it out. She did not care that there were three pairs of eyes in the room. She got out of bed wrapped in a blanket and walked to the wardrobe in her slippers.

She was afraid that the marks on her body would be seen by others when she walked. She had deliberately wrapped the blanket very tightly and exposed it in front of the children. She was teaching the bad guys a lesson!

When Luo Xichen came in, he saw Sha Zhixing wrapped in a blanket. The three of them were staring at her as if she was a rare animal.

Luo Xichen glanced at Hai Luo who was on the sofa and walked up to him without looking at him. Luo Xichen grabbed his wrist, lifted his little body and threw him out.

"Thud!" His little body landed lightly on the ground. The little guy's face was a little twisted.

Actually, it was not very painful...

"Hai Luo, you are not allowed to enter my room within 10 meters from now on!" Luo Xichen looked at him and growled in a low voice with a hint of anger.

Hai Luo sat on the ground in a sorry state and frowned in pain. He looked up at him with his big clear eyes and looked at him innocently. "Why?"

"Because..." Luo Xichen turned around and looked at him. "You are a man."

His words shocked everyone behind him.

A six-year-old man...

Young Master Shao, what kind of logic is this?

"I am a woman!" Hai Yue was afraid that the same thing would happen to her. She stood up and gloated.