Chapter 226: The Valiant Zhixing

Luo Xichen was quite familiar with the environment of Belfast. He drove her through several streets and drove the car into a secluded lane.

The lights on the road were a little dim. It was already midnight and there were not many pedestrians. A few seconds after they drove in, a sharp female voice suddenly sounded. "No..."

The voice suddenly sounded very panicked, as if something had happened, and it was in Chinese.

Sha Zhixing, who was sitting in the car, was stunned for a moment. She looked out of the car window.

Not far from the two of them, on the street, a woman was surrounded by a few tall blonde men. The clothes on her body had been torn to her shoulders, as if she wanted to be obscene.

The road was a little dark. From Sha Zhixing's angle, she could not see the woman's appearance clearly, but from her voice alone, she could tell that she was very young.

"Let go of me, don't touch me!" The woman's scream sounded again. This time, she used both Chinese and English. Her voice was very panicked, even trembling.

After she finished her sentence, she even used her weak body to hit a few men. She wanted to escape, but she was pulled back after running a few steps.

The woman raised her foot and kicked one of the men, probably out of reflex.

The man was completely enraged by her action.

"You ungrateful b*tch! I'm giving you face by letting you play with us!" The blonde man cursed in English and slapped the woman.

The woman seemed to be confused by the slap and started sobbing.

The men looked at each other and surrounded her again.

The road was a little dark. Luo Xichen drove slowly.

Sha Zhixing sat in the car and watched the scene quietly. She frowned slightly.

"Close your eyes!" Luo Xichen did not like her to see such a side of society. He freed a hand and pressed her head against his chest.

As for himself, he did not show any expression from the beginning to the end.

He had never been a good person. Naturally, he was not interested in doing good deeds. It was unnecessary for him to even take a look at people who had nothing to do with him.

The car drove slowly on the road. Just as it was about to leave the street, a woman's shrill voice suddenly rang out. "Help!"

The voice was still in Chinese.

If it were any other time, Sha Zhixing would also be indifferent when she encountered such a thing. She was not a busybody.

But now she was abroad. She saw a weak Chinese woman being bullied by so many foreign men in a foreign country, and in such a dirty way. Sha Zhixing could not bear to watch after the scream of help.

"Stop the car!" She pushed Luo Xichen's hand away from the steering wheel and leaned the car on the side of the road. Sha Zhixing got out of the car and walked towards the group of people.

She came in front of the man who had just hit the woman, raised her hand and slapped him. She scolded him coldly in English. "So many people are bullying a weak woman. What kind of man are you?"

She hit him very hard and very quickly. The man who had just been hit was having fun with her. He did not even know how she had appeared before he was slapped by her. He was stunned for a while, and when he came to his senses, he roared at his companion. "Catch this woman!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sha Zhixing raised her hand and slapped his injured face again. "Did you forget what I just taught you? I told you not to bully others, especially women!"