Chapter 225 greed

"Luo Xichen, you're crazy!" Sha Zhixing looked at the time on her phone and struggled to break free from his hand.

It was already late when the two of them got off the plane. Grandfather Luo was worried that they would not eat well on the plane, so he had ordered someone to prepare dinner for them. After dinner, they followed the butler and walked around the manor. It was almost midnight.

It was crazy to go out at this hour for that kind of thing!

"If grandpa came to check on us before going to bed, he will be worried!" Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and used Luo Yi as a shield.

"What is he worried about when you're with me?" Luo Xichen did not agree with her.


"He won't come at this time of night," Luo Xichen added.

Sha Zhixing was speechless. However, she could tell how restrained Luo Xichen was when he came here.

They had already done everything that they should not have done. It was a bit difficult for him to ask Luo Xichen to keep a distance from her in front of others. However, Luo Xichen did not say anything and cooperated with her. Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and felt that she had abused him more.

If she had not asked him to keep their relationship a secret, why would he go out to sleep in the middle of the night?

Sha Zhixing understood Luo Xichen's feelings. After protesting for a while, it did not work, so she went along with him.

They let him hold her hand and ran out of the manor.

Sensing that she was obedient, Luo Xichen smiled and quickened his pace.

They came to the garage, stepped on the car with his long legs, and pushed Sha Zhixing into the car. The black sports car disappeared into the night.

When the car started, the butler, who was about to enter the manor, saw the scene and frowned...

The two of them left the manor. Luo Xichen drove the car and asked her, "Is there anywhere you want to go?"

They had been on the plane for a long time today. Sha Zhixing had rested in the cabin and was still very energetic. She did not want to come out because she was afraid that Grandfather Luo would be worried. Now that she was already outside, it was useless for her to worry about that. She might as well indulge herself for the night.

Although she was close to Luo Xichen, she had never played abroad alone since she was a child. This was her first time, and it was as a lover. This feeling was different from a normal vacation. It would be a little more sweet.

"Let's go to the beach tonight. We'll take a stroll around Belfast during the day. We'll go to the nearby cities tomorrow and go to Scotland, Wales, and England the day after tomorrow..."

Sha Zhixing said a lot in one breath. Her expression was a little excited. Her long hair danced in the wind and kept brushing across her face, making her look particularly lively at the moment.

Luo Xichen thought that she would only wander around the city at most. He did not expect her to tell him about all the places in Great Britain all of a sudden. The corners of his eyes twitched and he could not help but tease her. "How greedy!"

"I think so." Sha Zhixing thought about it carefully after he said that. She then suggested leisurely, "Why don't you go to the company and I'll get the butler or someone else to drive me there?"

"Get lost!" Luo Xichen threw two words at her and sped up the car to drive her to the beach.

Sha Zhixing looked at him and smiled smugly.

She knew that he would definitely go with her.