Chapter 237: When Young Master Luo is not satisfied

It is a real bite, and it is quite strong.

Sha Zhixing cried out in pain. "Luo Xichen, what are you doing!"

Luo Xichen ignored her and continued to kiss her lips. He even pushed her to the chair behind him.

Sha Zhixing was stunned.

She was eating well. Why was he suddenly in heat again?

Sha Zhixing could not think of a reason. She was stunned and pushed him away with great force and panic.

Luo Xichen steadied himself and turned his head. He looked at her leisurely and raised his eyebrows. "Next time, don't choose a place like this. There will be no food. Be careful when you get home tonight!"

His words were very straightforward. His eyes fell on her, as if he was staring at a delicious feast.

Sha Zhixing felt her arms go cold under his gaze.

F*ck, he's using the excuse of eating to try to be a beast, isn't he?

A real beast!

Sha Zhixing cursed in her heart. Sha Zhixing was smart enough not to confront him in such a place.

If he continued to act like a hooligan later, she wouldn't be able to handle it.

He was shameless, and she still wanted more.

"How can there be no food? There are so many of them." Sha Zhixing automatically filtered out the second half of his sentence. She helped him put a lot of food into the bowl and reminded him, "Don't worry, I just checked these dishes. They are all very clean and there is no problem with them."

Luo Xichen really did not have much appetite for these things, but since she was the one who sent them over, he reluctantly took a bite.

It was not bad. The taste was even very authentic. He was a little surprised and relaxed.

Sha Zhixing saw that he was not picky and helped him pick up some more food. She wanted to sit down, but Luo Xichen held her hand and stopped her. Then, he pointed to a bottle of water beside her.

Sha Zhixing took it for him and handed it to him. She wanted to sit down, but he stopped her again.

She looked at him from the corner of her eyes and gritted her teeth. "What else do you need, Second Young Master?"

Luo Xichen looked at her with a smile and pointed at his bowl. "Scallions."

Sha Zhixing was furious. Did he mean that she had to help him pick them out?

Luo Xichen lazily leaned back in his chair and smiled as he waited for her action.

Sha Zhixing wanted to ignore him, but Luo Xichen was so shameless that she knew what would happen if she did that.

She took a few deep breaths and picked up her chopsticks stiffly again.

She knew that Luo Xichen did not like scallions, but she had just neglected it.

As a result of her negligence, Luo Xichen had replaced her plate and was enjoying the delicacies while she helped him pick the scallions. The scallions were chopped and the kind used in seasoning.

Sha Zhixing was so tired that her waist and hands were weak. She looked at Luo Xichen with resentment.

Second Young Master Shao had eaten his fill. He patted her shoulder comfortingly and sat her down beside him. He even gave her a look that said, 'thank you, my beloved concubine'.

Sha Zhixing was so angry that she wanted to give him a kick.

This man was too evil!

Sha Zhixing was not in a good position to be bullied like this. She was not someone who would be easily bullied.

Under Luo Xichen's gaze, she picked up some food and filled her starving stomach. She followed him out of the restaurant and got into the car. Then, she said slowly, "Let's book two rooms tonight."

Luo Xichen's face turned dark as if it was June...