Chapter 236: Two black-bellied men

The car of the two of them drove gently on the road.

Luo Xichen's kisses were usually very intense at the beginning. In order to avoid making headlines the next day, Sha Zhixing could not help but push him away.

She did not want the newspapers tomorrow to be full of reports about the passion between her and his car, or that there would be an accident or something like that. That would be looking for something to do for her!

Luo Xichen was in the middle of a passionate kiss when he was suddenly interrupted by her. He looked unhappy.

He wanted to press her against him and continue the kiss. Sha Zhixing suddenly pointed to the front and exclaimed, "Be careful, there's a car!"

Her voice was very sudden, and her expression was decent. Luo Xichen really thought that there was something going on, so he stopped and turned his head.

The road ahead was empty. There was not a single car.

Luo Xichen's face immediately darkened.

"I'm thinking about our safety." Sha Zhixing smiled like an innocent rabbit.

Luo Xichen glanced at her coldly, and his attention returned to the car.

Although he had just been distracted by other things, he had actually been paying attention to the issue of safety. Could he be too relaxed when he was with her?

It would be a small matter if he was hurt. If anything happened to her, he would be the one who would feel sorry for her!

Luo Xichen held the steering wheel and was about to increase the speed when Sha Zhixing suddenly complained. "Why did you take such an ugly picture of me?"

After a moment of silence, she added, "Luo Xichen, you are deliberately using me to make yourself look better!"

Luo Xichen's hands trembled as he drove, and he looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

Sha Zhixing was sitting in the passenger seat with his camera in her hand. She lowered her head and was staring at the photo of the two of them. She was frowning and looked unhappy.

Luo Xichen glanced at her and added, "Not bad, you know your place."

"Get lost!" Sha Zhixing raised her head and stared at him, punching him in the chest.

Luo Xichen did not care about her gentle strength. He laughed and sped up in a good mood.

Their car finally stopped at a Chinese restaurant.

Sha Zhixing was the one who made the request. It was not easy to find a Chinese restaurant in Belfast. Luo Xichen drove around in circles but could not find it. His eyebrows were locked.

Sha Zhixing looked at his expression and felt a lot more at ease. Who asked him to attack her for no reason!

Luo Xichen looked for the restaurant for more than an hour and finally decided on a hot pot restaurant.

The two of them entered the restaurant together and chose a private room.

The Sha family was rich, but Sha Zhixing was not like the typical rich girl. She was more casual in all aspects. She had been to high-end restaurants, low-end restaurants, and even roadside stalls.

The decoration of the restaurant was very ordinary and the hall was very noisy. Luo Xichen's face had been tense ever since he entered the restaurant. It was obvious that he did not want to go to such a place.

He did not want to touch the dishes after they were served. He did not even move his fingers.

He had rarely eaten in such a place since he was a child. He was particular about the style and atmosphere, and this restaurant was obviously not worthy of his attention.

Sha Zhixing did not care. She did not care about Luo Xichen. After the dishes were cooked, she started eating by herself. The corners of her lips curled up as she ate. She did not seem to care about the man next to her at all.

Luo Xichen looked at her who seemed very satisfied with the food. His heart was twisted. He pulled her into his arms with his long arms, lowered his head, and bit her lips.