Chapter 246 became famous overnight

The woman on the stage immediately attracted everyone's attention from the moment she appeared.

Sha Zhixing looked at her quietly. Her mind slowly reflected the name, but she realized that she did not have any memory of it.

However, this face still felt somewhat familiar to her.

On the stage, He Simu's speech was still continuing. Halfway through her speech, a judge below the stage suddenly interrupted. "I heard that behind every work with a soul, there is an unknown story. Is Miss He's work the same this time?"

He Simu was obviously well-prepared. She was not surprised by this question at all.

The judges looked at her and another person asked, "Miss He's work this time is named 'Admiration'. There must be a very deep meaning behind it, right?"

The interest of many of the guests in the venue was piqued after hearing that. All of their gazes fell on He Simu's face.

He Simu was silent for a few seconds. She looked down at the audience and swept her gaze in a certain direction. Her red lips curled slightly but she did not answer directly. Instead, she gave a very evocative answer. "Everyone knows that the pink hyacinth's flower language is 'admiration'. This is the meaning of this work. Simu is dedicating this work to all those who are experiencing or have experienced this emotion."

She spoke very calmly and confidently. It was not difficult to tell that she must be from a prestigious family and had received a good education. After a series of speeches, the applause in the audience was like thunder. It had been a long time.

Because of a design competition held by Rong Xi, He Simu became famous overnight. She was the most promising new star in the design industry and the youngest design director in Rong Xi's history. All kinds of good reputations came one after another.

Sha Zhixing sat at the back of the stands. Her eyes fell quietly on the woman on the stage. Why did she feel like she was looking in the direction of Luo Xichen?

After the competition, Luo Xichen was the first to stand up and leave.

"Welcome to Rong Xi!" Wen Lan smiled and shook hands with He Simu. They chatted for a while and then left the venue together with Luo Enqi.

Luo Xichen went straight to Sha Zhixing after leaving the venue. When he came out, Sha Zhixing was sitting in the driver's seat of her car and was about to leave. Before she stepped on the accelerator, Luo Xichen suddenly stepped forward and looked at the dark night sky as if nothing had happened. He started knocking on her glass window.

"Auntie Lan and Uncle Luo are still here. Aren't you going with them?" Sha Zhixing had driven here by herself tonight. She had driven a Hummer that An Xin had just bought. The Hummer was very big, and she was slim. Her hands were still very small. She looked a little out of place in the driver's seat, but she looked very domineering.

Luo Xichen ignored her. He opened the door and sat in the front passenger seat.

"I'm so hungry. What did Madam Sha prepare tonight?" Luo Xichen pretended to rub his stomach. He leaned back lazily and patted her shoulder. "Miss Sha, you can drive now."

An Xin was easy to get along with. Both Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing called her 'Madam Sha' when they joked around.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched a little at her words.

Just say it if you want to go to her house. What's the excuse?

Sha Zhixing knew what he was thinking, but she did not say it out loud. She stepped on the gas and started the car.