Chapter 247, as long as you're willing

When He Simu walked out of the venue, she just happened to see the figures of the two people leaving.

The black Hummer soon disappeared into the darkness of the night.

He Simu watched quietly and stopped for a few seconds. She opened her car door and was about to get into the car when Wen Lan and Luo Enqi suddenly walked out. Their car just happened to stop beside her car.

Wen Lan was a little surprised when she saw her next to her and smiled at her.

He Simu smiled back at her politely.

Luo Enqi looked at her quietly, thinking about the information he had read about her during the judging. Suddenly, he said, "There are very few families with the surname He in C City. Are you from the He Corporation?"

He Simu was not surprised that he had guessed her background. In this competition, every contestant had to hand in detailed information. Although it did not mention their family background, based on her years of living abroad... And the prestigious title of graduating from the Royal Academy of Arts, it was not difficult to guess her background.

She did not deny it. He simu smiled and nodded. "Yes, Mr. Luo. My father is the chairman of He Corporation, He Jingting."

Luo Enqi thought for a while and asked, "He Corporation is a very big company in C City. Why do you want to work here?"

He Corporation was the leading company in the clothing industry in C City. As the daughter of He Corporation, her wealth must have swept through a large number of socialites in C City. However, He Simu studied jewelry design and even came to work for Rong Xi's company, which surprised him.

"Does it have something to do with the story behind this work?" Wen Lan suddenly asked.

He Simu was stunned after hearing her words. She did not deny it or admit it. She avoided talking to him and said, "Simu has never been interested in her family's career since she was young."

"Since you've joined Rong Xi, do your best!" Luo Enqi nodded and encouraged her. Then, he bent down and got into the car with Wen Lan.

Sha family.

Madam Sha seemed to have treated Luo Xichen much better since she found out about the matter between the two of them.

It wasn't that she hadn't treated him well in the past. It was just that the feeling was different when she thought about the person in front of her and the fact that they were about to become a real family.

The two of them even prepared extra dinner for them when they came back. They only cared about Luo Xichen when they were eating. They helped Luo Xichen pick up a large pile of dishes while their biological daughter, Sha Zhixing, was left out.

Luo Xichen had made up for the cold treatment he received from his family in Northern Ireland tonight. His gaze would occasionally drift towards Sha Zhixing, who was beside him. His gaze was very obvious.

Sha Zhixing gave him a disdainful look and continued to eat her food, ignoring him.

After dinner, the two of them went upstairs to Sha Zhixing's room.

Sha Zhixing came up to change into her home clothes. When she saw that he was here, she ordered him to leave. "Get out!"

"Is there a need for that?" Luo Xichen was very disdainful of her words. She was already his, why would he care about that?

"This is my home!" Sha Zhixing reminded him with a straight face.

"I know." Luo Xichen still looked lazy. He even picked up the gadgets on her table and looked through them, as if he was at home.

"Your parents don't know about us yet," Sha Zhixing added.

"As long as you agree, I don't mind telling the whole of C City about us right away." Luo Xichen picked up a photo of her and sat on the sofa lazily.