Chapter 277: Crying until you die

Luo Xichen went out and drove all the way to the castle that he had brought Sha Zhixing to.

He did not even have time to park his car. He went upstairs and went straight to the master bedroom.

The door was pushed open and the light in the room was dim. Sha Zhixing sat in front of the large French window with her arms wrapped around herself. Her slender body was curled up into a ball and her eyes were staring blankly at the dark night outside the window.

Luo Xichen closed the door behind him and walked towards her step by step. He called her softly. "Zhixing..."

Sha Zhixing had her back to him. She did not even turn her head, as if she did not hear him.

Luo Xichen's eyes hurt when he saw her like this. He walked to her side with his long legs and put his hand on her shoulder. He wanted to turn around, but he stopped when he felt the temperature from her fingertips.

He moved his hand slowly down her shoulder and caressed her arm. Luo Xichen frowned when he felt the cold temperature on his palm.

Sha Zhixing was very cold. Her temperature was obviously lower than normal.

How long had she been sitting here?

Luo Xichen's eyes were locked on her back. He quickly pulled her up, pulled her into his arms, and caressed her face.

Then, her neck, shoulders, arms...

His warm hands slowly came down and caressed her whole body. He kept caressing her, trying to pass some of his warmth to her.

A warm stream flowed through his palm and into her blood. Sha Zhixing's eyes, which had lost their focus, slowly came back to their senses under his actions. She quietly looked at his familiar face, and the tears that she had held back for a few days suddenly burst out. Suddenly, she threw herself into his arms and cried out loud. "Xichen..."

Her sobs were very loud and she seemed to be a little emotional. Her thin shoulders trembled, and she looked as helpless as a wounded little beast. Luo Xichen's chest and heart hurt from crying, and he hugged her tightly in his arms.

Sha Zhixing had rarely cried in front of him since she was a child. She had always been the type to watch others suffer with a smile. This was the first time she had cried so hard.

Luo Xichen looked at her and violently thought that he would kill anyone who dared to make her cry!

However, his hands were unusually gentle at the moment.

He patted her back gently as he wiped the tears off her face and comforted her gently. "It's okay, it's okay!"

His voice was very gentle, with a gentleness that did not belong to his nature. Perhaps all of Luo Xichen's gentleness had been used today.

After a while, the figure in his arms gradually quieted down under his comfort.

"Your crying is so ugly!" Luo Xichen lifted her face and wiped her tears again. He smiled and teased her as he looked at her tearful face.

In fact, he was quite happy to see her like this.

Someone said that if a person was willing to indulge in all his emotions in front of you, it meant that you had already walked into the heart of that person.

Luo Xichen agreed with this statement.

When had someone as stubborn as Sha Zhixing ever revealed her emotions in front of others?

But today, she had revealed all her deepest emotions in front of him. This meant that his status was different from the others around her...


It was already the Sixth Watch today