Chapter 278: "I'll crush you to death if you don't believe me. "

Sha Zhixing was indeed like that. She liked to smile and see others in pain. Even if she was unhappy, she would not easily reveal it to others.

However, when she suddenly saw Luo Xichen today, the emotions that she had been suppressing for so many days suddenly poured out like a flood that had suddenly opened a floodgate.

Luo Xichen was gentle for a long time. Now that she seemed to have calmed down, he remembered how frantically he had searched for her before. He suddenly shouted at her with a cold face. "Sha Zhixing, listen to me. If you want to cry or make a scene in the future, it's up to you. But if you dare to go missing like this again, believe me..."

"What about you?" Sha Zhixing slowly raised her head and looked at him calmly. There seemed to be a hint of provocation in her eyes.

Luo Xichen was silent for a few seconds and said coldly, "I'll crush you to death!"

Sha Zhixing was very disdainful of his words. She looked at him and turned her face to the side, ignoring his words.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?" Luo Xichen asked expressionlessly as he pinched her waist.

"My phone died." Sha Zhixing's voice was hoarse.

"Why didn't you tell me this happened?" Luo Xichen asked again.

Sha Zhixing's eyes darkened and she did not answer.

"How long have you been sitting here?" Luo Xichen changed the topic, guessing that she did not want to disturb him.

Sha Zhixing kept her mouth shut this time.

Luo Xichen's face darkened.

Could it be that she had been sitting here in a daze for the past few days?

The hand on her waist caressed her flat stomach. thinking that she might not have eaten anything, Luo Xichen carried her and went downstairs. "Let me take you to dinner first."

There were many chefs in the castle at all times. Since Sha Zhixing came, someone had been in charge of cooking for her. When she came down, there was a lot of food on the table.

Luo Xichen placed her on a chair and sat next to her. He did not eat and just watched her eat quietly.

Sha Zhixing had no appetite at all. She picked up the cutlery and quickly put it down.

Luo Xichen frowned in displeasure at her actions.

He pulled her into his arms and pressed her down on his lap. He picked up a spoon and scooped up a spoonful of plain porridge. He forced her to drink it.

Sha Zhixing could understand his kindness and did not refuse. She swallowed the porridge one mouthful after another with difficulty.

"Why did you come back all of a sudden?" she asked with her eyes lowered.

"Something big has happened here. How can I not come back?" Luo Xichen said sarcastically, but his heart ached for her.


Luo Xichen looked at her unhappy face and said disdainfully, "Actually, it's nothing. You just quit Rong Xi."

Sha Zhixing glared at him and ignored him.

He did not know how much this work meant to her!

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly and thought for a while. His thin lips suddenly lifted and he said, "There is an identity that suits you better than entering Rong Xi. No one can replace you, and I promise that I will never quit..."

Sha Zhixing looked up at him and murmured, "What identity?"

Luo Xichen smiled and said slowly, "Young Madam Luo!"

Sha Zhixing was speechless.