Chapter 281: the Genius Baby

Luo Xichen sneered and held her chin with his fingertips. He looked at her face and thought of her actions this time. He moved his thin lips expressionlessly. "You don't even know to call me for help when it comes to this kind of thing. You have such a strong backer but you don't know how to use it. Miss Sha, is your IQ close to zero?"

He paused and added, "Considering that Miss Sha's IQ is close to that of a weirdo, rare things are precious. Even if your IQ is negative, I will support you for the rest of your life."

The corner of Sha Zhixing's lips twitched slightly, but she did not argue with him this time.

His words were obviously sarcastic. Half of it was disapproval of her previous actions, and the other half was heartache.

"It's late. It's time to go to bed!" Luo Xichen mocked her sarcastically. He carried her to bed and held her in his arms.

The two of them had been separated for more than twenty days. Normally, Luo Xichen would have already pounced on her after they went to bed. However, he did not have any lust that night. He just held her tightly and did not do anything the whole night.

Sha Zhixing slept soundly that night. Luo Xichen had gone to work the next day because of work.

He must have told the kitchen to prepare everything according to Sha Zhixing's preferences during breakfast.

Such thoughtfulness was not in line with his personality, but he had been doing it all along...

The three clowns of the Hai family appeared again today after hearing that Luo Xichen had come back last night.

Sha Zhixing was cleaning a pet cat in the backyard when she arrived. As she was doing this, she thought of the design competition again. She could not figure out what the problem was.

She had spent a lot of energy on that piece of work and she was very satisfied with it. Shi Qinuo was also very satisfied after seeing it.

If this had happened after she had felt good about it, there might have been something wrong with the work. However, Shi Qinuo had nodded in approval. How could it be bad?

Sha Zhixing quietly thought about this matter, and her gaze was a little absent-minded.

Hai Luo walked in front of the three people and came to her side. He squatted down in front of her, and his gaze was at the same level as hers. After looking at her for a few seconds, he said in a small voice, "Stupid woman, why are you pretending to be sad here alone?"

"Child, don't use words carelessly!" Sha Zhixing was shocked by his words, and her knuckles lightly knocked on his head. "Call me sister!"

Hai Luo did not pay attention to her words, and his small body sat next to her, intimately squeezing together with her. He raised his head and asked coolly, "Who bullied you? I'll help you teach him a lesson!"

"That good?" Sha Zhixing's gaze slowly moved down, glancing at his small body that was not as tall as her waist. She was very disdainful of his words. "Tell me what you know first."

Hai Luo felt like he was being discriminated against by young people. Just as he was about to defend himself, Hai Zhu suddenly squeezed next to Sha Zhixing and excitedly began to count the things that Hai Luo knew how to do. "Big brother knows a lot of things. He can hack whoever he wants, break into the company's network, and blow up their database!"

As she said this, Hai Zhu's expression was very happy and even very proud.

Sha Zhixing only thought that she was talking about some kind of children's game where children would hack each other and didn't really care.