Chapter 282 blackmailed Rong Xi

Hai Yue stood at the side, listening to Hai Zhu's chattering. She scratched her ears and said, "Hai Zhu, this is a long time ago. Why don't you tell me something new?"

Hai Zhu smiled sweetly at her and started to expose the truth. "Recently, daddy confiscated his computer because my brother hacked into my family's company!"

This sentence stunned Sha Zhixing for a few seconds. She suddenly raised her head and looked stiffly at Hai Zhu. "Hacked into your family's company?"

"Yes, our family's company. Daddy said that if he wanted to hack, he could just hack other people's company. How could you hack into your own family? And because of this, he almost banned brother from using the computer!" Hai Zhu was like an excited little sparrow. One person said a lot, and when she mentioned this matter, she seemed to be quite gloating.

At this moment, Sha Zhixing completely understood. The attack she was talking about was a real attack. Hacking into someone's internal system was not playing a game!

However, these words were said by a child. Moreover, Hai Luo was only a little older, so she still did not quite believe it.

She fixed her gaze on the child, who was not even as tall as her waist, and affectionately put her hand on his shoulder. Sha Zhixing changed from her previous disdain towards him and asked with a smile, "Hai Luo, are you very proficient in these things?"

Hai Luo was very magnanimous and did not bother about the fact that he had just been discriminated against by her. He raised his chin and asked coolly, "Who do you want to defame?"

Sha Zhixing just wanted to test him. After a moment of silence, she thought of the competition and slowly said, "Rong Xi's Design Department!"

"Brother Xichen's company?" The two children of the Hai family exclaimed at the same time.

"Shh, keep your voice down. I haven't done it yet, have I?" Sha Zhixing was afraid that they would alert the enemy, so she quickly covered their mouths and signaled them to keep quiet.

She did not know how proficient Hai Luo was in these things. She just wanted to test him.

Hai Yue was an adult, so she did not refute Hai Luo's words. She felt that Hai Luo should not be underestimated!

Sha Zhixing wanted to see if he could eavesdrop on the computer over there, or remotely access all the entries from the previous design competition.

At that time, she only saw a score sheet. She had not seen any of the others' entries. She did not know what other people's designs were like. This made her feel a little unwilling.

If she had seen all the entries, and she was indeed very different from others, then even if she lost, she would accept it wholeheartedly.

Hai Luo and Hai Zhu seemed to be very excited about hacking Rong Xi. They held her hands on both sides and went upstairs to the master bedroom.

Sha Zhixing took out her laptop. Hai Luo sat on a chair in front of the office and tapped on the computer with his fingertips.

Sha Zhixing stood at the side and watched his practiced movements. She slowly believed what Hai Zhu said.

Usually, the children of other families might not even be able to touch the keys on the laptop, but he was very familiar with it.

In the corridor outside the room, a figure walked towards them. The sound of footsteps was exceptionally clear in the empty corridor.

In the room, Sha Zhixing and Hai Yue were surrounding Hai Luo and staring at her intently.

The computer was slowly starting up and entering the interface. Just as they were about to proceed with the next step, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Luo Xichen stood by the door. He first glanced at the three people standing there, then turned to Hai Luo in front of the computer. "What are you doing?"


Today was the "Qixi" festival. All the relatives who had lovers but no lovers were happy on Qixi