Chapter 292, unintentional mishap

"Second Miss!" A movement scared the maid so much that her face turned pale. She came to her side and wanted to reach out her arm to stabilize her. He Simu's out-of-control horse suddenly raised its front foot and kicked hard at the horse's belly where she was.

The horse that was kicked was provoked. It raised its head and let out a painful roar. It shook off the maid and rampaged forward. It lost control and ran in the direction of Sha Zhixing.

On the other side of the racecourse, Luo Xichen and Shi Qinuo, who were still fighting, changed their expressions under the sudden change. They looked sideways at the out-of-control horse and looked at Sha Zhixing, who was getting closer and closer.

"Zhixing, be careful!"

There were two screams on the empty lawn. Luo Xichen and Shi Qinuo ran in her direction at the same time.

Sha Zhixing heard the movement behind her and turned her head slowly. Before she could see the situation clearly, a horse suddenly rushed in her direction like crazy. A white light flashed in front of her eyes, and the horse she was on was knocked away. The slender figure was thrown out of the horse's back.

The moment her body left the horse's back, a white figure ran in her direction, caught her with both arms, and rolled a few rounds on the lawn with her. Finally, he crashed into the guardrail outside the racecourse.

At this moment, the entire field fell into a dead silence.

Sha Zhixing's head was dizzy from the impact. She did not even see what had happened from the beginning to the end. When she came back to her senses, she saw Shi Qinuo's pale face.

His arms were hugging her, and his body was protecting her. His eyes were deep and closed, his brows were tightly knitted, and his face was as pale as death.

Sha Zhixing did not suffer any serious injuries. She only felt some pain in her elbow. It might have been from hitting the guardrail or scraping the ground, but it was not serious.

She stared at Shi Qinuo's bloodless face and her mind went blank for a few seconds.

She had not expected that Shi Qinuo would rush over in such a situation.

In fact, Shi Qinuo was closer to Sha Zhixing than Luo Xichen. Both of them had rushed over, so Shi Qinuo was obviously faster.

No matter what, the situation was so dangerous just now, and Shi Qinuo had made such a reaction. Sha Zhixing was very shocked.

She came back to her senses and checked his injuries. She called out to him softly. "Qinuo, can you hear me?"

Shi Qinuo's eyes were still closed. He did not even lift his eyelids.

"Qino, wake up!" Sha Zhixing shook him gently and sat up. She put his arms on her shoulders and tried to help him up with much difficulty.

However, Shi Qinuo was much heavier than her. She tried several times but failed.

Luo Xichen did not expect things to turn out like this. He glanced nervously at Sha Zhixing and saw that she was not seriously injured. He walked over and checked Shi Qinuo's injuries. He took out his phone and called the Emergency Medical Center.

He Simu stood at the other end of the racecourse and watched the scene quietly. Her gaze shifted from Sha Zhixing's face to Shi Qinuo's pale face.

Even she did not expect such a change, not to mention Luo Xichen...

The maid who had brought out the runaway horse was shocked. She came to the three of them and apologized profusely. "Miss, I didn't mean to do that. I don't know how that horse turned out like this. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Sha Zhixing was not in the mood to care about her at the moment. Her mind was focused on Shi Qinuo's injuries. After the paramedics arrived, they got into the ambulance and sent Shi Qinuo to the hospital with Luo Xichen...