Chapter 293: peerless beauty, unmatched evilness

When the accident happened, Shi Qinuo was protecting Sha Zhixing with his whole body. After hitting the guardrail, his head was severely injured, causing him to be unconscious at that time. His leg was also injured. After arriving at the hospital, he only woke up after several hours.

Falling from a horse was a very serious accident. This time, Shi Qinuo was considered lucky. He was only unconscious for a while, and even more serious injuries might have caused him to fall to his death.

Sha Zhixing was protected by him and did not suffer any injuries. After arriving at the hospital, she was simply bandaged and was fine.

The two of them stayed in the ward to take care of Shi Qinuo after they entered the hospital. They stayed there for a whole morning.

Shi Qinuo woke up in the afternoon. He looked at Sha Zhixing who was next to the bed and looked her up and down. He did not find any serious injuries before he turned to look at his bandaged leg.

"What's wrong with me?" His deep voice was a little hoarse from the pain.

"Your leg is injured and you need to rest for a while," Luo Xichen explained.

Sha Zhixing was sitting closest to him. Her eyes were fixed on his face. She still could not digest the fact that he had saved her when she thought of the scene before she fell off the horse.

Falling off the horse was not an ordinary accident. She might even lose her life. However, he had come over just like that. Sha Zhixing felt as if she owed him her life.

"Master, why did you rush over?"

"Nothing. I was just close."

Shi Qinuo was stunned after hearing her words. His eyes froze for a moment, but his tone was very indifferent, as if what he had done was insignificant.

Sha Zhixing was speechless by his words.

Then, with a joking tone, she said, "Once a teacher, always a father. Today, you saved my life again."

Shi Qinuo choked on her words and looked at her from the corner of his eyes. "Am I old enough for you to have the illusion of a father?"

"You are not old, of course you are not old. You are at the time of your youth when you are handsome, elegant, and peerless," Sha Zhixing said flatteringly, using a series of modifiers.

Shi Qinuo's lips twitched, and he looked at her strangely.

"I'll get you a glass of water." Sha Zhixing had always been casual with him. After joking around, she stood up and went to get him a glass of water.

She was very considerate in serving the patient.

Luo Xichen looked at her from the corner of his eyes and turned to Shi Qinuo. He looked at Shi Qinuo's face quietly. After a moment of silence, he said, "Thank you."

This was the first time he had said this to someone in his 20 years of life. It was for Sha Zhixing!

If it hadn't been for Shi Qinuo, the consequences of a woman falling down like this would have been unimaginable.

Shi Qinuo looked down on his words. He looked up at him and said calmly, "I only took in one disciple. If anything happens to her, who am I going to torture?"

"Get lost!" Luo Xichen replied lazily.

He was going to torture his woman!

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched as she listened to their conversation with her back to the two of them.

She returned to Shi Qinuo's side with a glass of water and handed it to him. Thinking of the situation at that time, her tone turned serious. "What exactly happened at that time?"

When the accident happened, her back was facing the horse that had lost control. When she reacted and wanted to avoid it, she didn't see the situation clearly, so Sha Zhixing was still in a daze.