Chapter 297 wants to see you

She had not expected Luo Xichen to fight back so openly...

"Also," Luo Xichen said slowly as he looked at her. "What I said in there was true. I already have a woman, so don't do anything like that again."


"I will bring her to see you another day. You will like her." Luo Xichen did not know what Sha Zhixing was thinking, so he did not say it directly. He turned around and walked towards the hotel.

Wen Lan stood rooted to the ground and stared at his back.

This was the first time Luo Xichen had fought back against her so directly...

After leaving the hotel, Luo Xichen went straight to his car. Thinking about what had just happened, he suddenly had the urge to see Sha Zhixing.

He took out his phone and opened his contact list. He looked at the picture of her face on the caller ID and smiled. He made a call.

Sha Zhixing was making dinner for Shi Qinuo in the castle. She seemed to be a little busy. The sound of footsteps could be heard on the phone.

"I'm a little busy right now. I'll call you later." Sha Zhixing was a little surprised when she received the call. She took a look at the phone and dismissed Luo Xichen with one sentence.

Then, she hung up the phone.

Luo Xichen felt like he was being ignored. The corner of his lips twitched and he dialed her number again.

"What's wrong?" Sha Zhixing sounded a little confused.

"Where are you?" Luo Xichen asked.

"At home. I just made dinner and I'm going to take it to the hospital," Sha Zhixing answered honestly.

"Don't leave. Wait for me!" Luo Xichen's thin lips curled up slightly. He then started the car.

"Shi Qinuo is still waiting for me at the hospital!" Sha Zhixing did not know what Luo Xichen was going to do. She thought of his purpose for coming back and did not take his words to heart. She packed the food and was about to go out.

Before she stepped out of the castle, Luo Xichen called her again.

This persistence made Sha Zhixing realize that there was something wrong with him. She stopped in her tracks as she was about to step out of the door.

"Is something wrong?" She turned around and walked into the house. She asked cautiously as she walked.

Luo Xichen was silent for a few seconds. Sha Zhixing was about to hang up the phone when Luo Xichen said in a low voice, "I want to see you."


"Wait for me at home. I'll be there in twenty minutes." Luo Xichen did not explain further. He sped up the car.

"Master is still hungry in the hospital!" Sha Zhixing was worried when she thought of Shi Qinuo in the hospital.

"Let him be hungry," Luo Xichen said lazily.

"..." Sha Zhixing was speechless.

She remembered that Shi Qinuo was still waiting for her, so she called the hospital where he was staying and asked them to take care of him.

Luo Xichen rushed back to the castle as fast as he could and got out of the car. He did not even bother to lock the door and ran into the house.

When he entered the house, Sha Zhixing was sitting at the dining table and eating dinner that she had prepared for Shi Qinuo.

Before she came back, she had told him that he needed to eat bland food, but all she had prepared was spicy food. She had told him that he needed to get used to the taste of the food here so that he could get used to it in the future.

Under the light, her side profile was very soft, and the dim light made the atmosphere quiet.

Luo Xichen watched her sitting alone at the dining table. He walked to her side and suddenly pulled her into his arms...