Chapter 298 was so rude

He put a lot of strength into it. His strong arms wrapped tightly around her waist, as if he wanted to integrate her into his body.

Sha Zhixing's body stiffened. She felt the strength coming from his arms and slowly raised her head. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Luo Xichen replied faintly. He buried his head in her neck and smelled the elegant fragrance on her body. He slowly recalled what had happened just now.

He had made an unexpected arrangement today. He would definitely cause Wen Lan's dissatisfaction if he fought back so openly. He knew that.

However, Luo Xichen was not worried about this.

Wen Lan knew his character very well. No one could control him, not even her!

As for whether his relationship with Sha Zhixing would cause any problems after the announcement, he was not worried at all. The Luo family had loved Sha Zhixing since she was very young. What was there to worry about?

Sha Zhixing's body was stiff. She was being held in his arms and he did not speak. It was a strange feeling.

"Didn't you go home?" she asked suspiciously as she struggled in his arms.

"Yes," Luo Xichen replied casually. He hugged her and sat down on the seat she had just sat on. Naturally, he pressed her down on his lap.

Then, he picked up the cutlery and began to taste the food she had just eaten with great grace.

"This is mine!" Sha Zhixing was furious.

He did not even tell her that he was coming back. He only knew how to snatch her food when he was back!

Luo Xichen glanced at her lazily and teased her. "What's the difference?"

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

Luo Xichen continued to eat with his cutlery, occasionally giving her some of his food.

"Why did you come back all of a sudden?" Sha Zhixing thought of his actions and what he had said earlier. She felt that there was something wrong with his behavior tonight.

"I wanted to see you," Luo Xichen said calmly.

Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly, carefully observing every expression on his face. She wanted to get some information from him, but his expression was still very calm. It was as if nothing had happened.

Sha Zhixing could not figure out what would happen when he returned home. In the end, she could only give up.

Luo Xichen had returned suddenly. Sha Zhixing had not prepared his dinner at all. She had also invited the servants in the house away. Second Young Master Shao was very overbearing as he finished the dinner that she had prepared for Shi Qinuo. Then, he dragged Sha Zhixing to the garden.

The environment of the castle was very good. The night view was very beautiful. At night, all the fountains were open and there were lights everywhere. The lights were bright, no different from during the day.

Sha Zhixing entered the garden and went straight to the grassland where she kept her pet.

She liked pets very much. She liked cats and dogs, but she was not good at keeping them.

For example, when she was bathing her pet, if the other party did not listen to her, she would press the pet down, pick up the faucet and rush towards the other party. Luo Xichen's pets were not very docile. In the end, it was usually Sha Zhixing who got herself wet.

Such situations were often seen since she arrived here.

For example, right now.

Luo Xichen could not bear to watch Sha Zhixing's clothes get wet again.

He squatted down beside her, picked up a samoyed dog, and stroked its white fur. He suddenly exclaimed, "Zhixing, you're so rude. What should I do when I have children in the future?"