Chapter 303, the two of you, continue!

Sha Zhixing was embarrassed.

Why didn't mom give her some face?

When An Xin was at the seaside castle in T City, she had seen more intense scenes than this. Now that she saw the two of them so close together, she didn't think much of it.

Sha Zhixing was probably the most conservative person in the Sha family. She and Sha Nanfeng could actually quite accept such things. If young people were closer, it meant that they had a good relationship. As parents, they should be happy to see this.

However, she had left home for so many days and returned to the Luo family instead of her own home. An Xin still felt a little upset when she thought of this.

It felt like she had married off her daughter without any betrothal gifts. It also felt like she had raised her for nothing.

Sha Zhixing quietly observed the change in her expression and guessed what she was thinking. She kicked Luo Xichen lightly with the tip of her foot and instructed him to say something.

Luo Xichen's expression did not change at all. He said to An Xin as if nothing had happened, "Auntie, Zhixing and I have just arrived home. We were just about to go over and have a seat. It's lunchtime too. Why don't you come over for lunch?"

His words were very casual, but he had found a good excuse for Sha Zhixing and himself not to go to the Sha family's house.

"No, I have something to do here. You can continue!" An Xin smiled faintly after his words. She turned around and left the balcony. She even carefully closed the curtains in Sha Zhixing's room.

Sha Zhixing's room was right outside Luo Xichen's room. If the people there could not see it, there was nothing to hide.

Sha Zhixing choked on An Xin's last words.

What was she asking them to continue? The intimacy?

However, she was glad that her parents had supported her and Luo Xichen.

Outside the room, footsteps were approaching.

They stopped at the door of Luo Xichen's room, followed by the voice of a maid. "Young Master, Miss Zhixing, lunch is ready. Madam asks the two of you to come down."

Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing looked at each other and walked out of the room side by side.

Wen Lan had prepared a lot of lunch. Most of it was Sha Zhixing's favorite.

Wen Lan had watched her grow up. She was very familiar with Sha Zhixing's taste, so she paid special attention to it.

"Zhixing, sit here with Aunt Lan," Wen Lan said when she saw her.

"Okay," Sha Zhixing replied. She walked briskly to Wen Lan and sat down beside her.

Luo Xichen wanted to sit on the other side, but Wen Lan pulled him to the seat opposite her. There was a table between them.

Luo Xichen did not think much of it.

Luo Enqi was not around today. There were only three people at the big table.

Wen Lan liked Sha Zhixing very much. She had been helping her with the dishes after dinner. It was as if she was taking care of her own daughter.

Sha Zhixing did not have much of an appetite today, but Wen Lan's lunch was too much of a waste. Finally, she looked at Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen understood the look in her eyes.

He stood up and sat next to her. Naturally, he moved all the untouched food from her plate to his own.

Wen Lan quietly watched his movements and closed her eyes.

It was not the time when they were young. How close must they be to not mind these things?