Chapter 304: You are my 1

Wen Lan did not say much during lunch. Her eyes were fixed on the two of them.

The voices in the room were almost all from Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen. The two of them looked at each other from time to time and whispered something in each other's ears. The words that came to Wen Lan's mind were not 'passionate lovers'. They were 'newlyweds'.

The latter was obviously more intimate than the former.

Wen Lan felt a headache coming on.

In the middle of lunch, she suddenly changed the topic. "Xichen, you can move back here in the future."

"Okay," Luo Xichen replied.

Sha Zhixing had discussed with him that they would go back to the castle once a week and stay at home. Wen Lan's suggestion did not really affect him much.

After all, his room and Sha Zhixing's room were only separated by a balcony. It was no different at home.

Thinking of the original design of the two rooms, the corners of Luo Xichen's lips curled up.

Who was so considerate as to design the rooms in such a way?

After lunch, the two of them went to the garden.

After arriving at the garden, Luo Xichen sat on a chair beside the pool and flipped through an unknown document.

Sha Zhixing sat not far away from him and hugged Beibei.

Beibei liked her very much, but he also liked Luo Xichen very much. When he saw Luo Xichen, he always wanted to run in his direction.

Sha Zhixing did not know what document Luo Xichen was looking at. She was afraid of disturbing him, so she stopped Beibei from letting him pass.

Luo Xichen's pets were usually not docile, and he did not like docile pets. Sha Zhixing's attempts to stop him did not work on Beibei at all. Beibei ran under her body. He ran to Luo Xichen and snuggled into his arms.

Luo Xichen did not even bother to look at him. He lifted his foot and kicked him away without caring for him.

"Be gentle." Sha Zhixing ran over and wanted to carry Beibei for a check, but Luo Xichen pressed her down and sat on his lap.

"Zhixing, let's talk about the design competition." Luo Xichen put an arm around Sha Zhixing's waist and put his hand under her clothes. He was being very unruly, but his words were serious.

Sha Zhixing looked up at the document in his hand. It was the score sheet from the competition.

Her attention was diverted when she thought about the competition. She did not even care about what he was doing.

"I want to see the designs of the others." She looked into his eyes and pleaded, "Help me!"

Luo Xichen did not nod, but pointed to his lips.

Sha Zhixing naturally understood what he meant.

She thought of the garden and wanted to refuse, but a figure slowly appeared on the cobblestone path leading from the main door to the main house.

Sha Zhixing's body stiffened at the sight of the familiar face.

Why was she here?

He Simu, who seemed to have noticed her gaze, stopped in her tracks and turned her head to look in the direction of the two of them. Her gaze was fixed on the two of them, their bodies pressed together, and her eyes darkened.

Sha Zhixing could not see the expression on her face, but her mind was very sharp. She thought of Wen Lan's attitude towards He Simu and the reason why she had suddenly appeared here. She turned to Luo Xichen and pulled his face down with her arms. Her red lips kissed his lips.

It was a very domineering kiss. The meaning of the declaration was very obvious...