Chapter 321 could not hold it in any longer

Luo Xichen sat in his office chair and looked at his phone several times, expecting the familiar ringtone to ring. However, every time, his hopes were dashed.

It had been four days.

On the day that Sha Zhixing left, she had told him that she would not be coming back. He did not know if it was because she was meticulous or just a casual remark. After hearing what she said, Luo Xichen did not worry about her safety for the past few days. However, after she left... He was extremely frustrated.

What he didn't understand was that at such an important occasion, he had been stood up by her, and she was even more justified than him?

In fact, Luo Xichen had never really been angry with Sha Zhixing since he was young. After dating her, even if he was sometimes provoked by her, a little gesture from her would be enough to break all his anger.

This was how he treated her. He spoiled her unconditionally and indulged her without any rules.

If Sha Zhixing had called him in the past few days, Luo Xichen wouldn't have been able to resist her.

However, she did not.

Luo Xichen's eyes fell on his phone. After looking at it countless times, the familiar ringtone finally rang.

He had set a ringtone for Sha Zhixing's call.

Luo Xichen's lips curled up slightly. The gloominess on Luo Xichen's face faded when he heard the phone ring. He picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.

Before he could speak, Shi Qinuo's emotionless voice suddenly sounded. "When are you coming to the hospital to bring your woman back?"

The hospital?

Luo Xichen's face froze after hearing his words. He was confused, but he asked the most important question. "Where are you?"

"XX Hospital!" Shi Qinuo told him the name of the hospital. He wanted to give him the address, but the phone suddenly rang.

Needless to say, he could guess that Luo Xichen must have rushed over.

In the hospital ward, Sha Zhixing was staring blankly at her chopsticks. Her palm-sized face had been in a daze for the past few days. It was as if her soul had been extracted from her. Shi Qinuo couldn't stand it anymore. He called Luo Xichen one last time.

"I'm going out to buy some daily necessities." She packed up her lunch that she had barely eaten. She stood up and walked out of the room with her head lowered.

Shi Qinuo wanted to stop her, but he held back the urge when he remembered that Luo Xichen hadn't called to check on her for so many days.

He didn't know what had happened between the two of them, but to him, caring was the most basic thing.

If he hadn't rushed over to save her back then, if she was the one lying on the hospital bed now, or if her condition had been more serious back then, the two of them might have been separated by heaven and earth...

Sha Zhixing did not go shopping immediately after she left the hospital. Instead, she took a walk nearby.

The road near the hospital was very quiet. There were very few cars on the wide boulevard. The light was mottled and the sun was shining brightly. It was a beautiful day.

However, she could not be happy at the thought of Luo Xichen.

She had thought a lot over the past few days. She had not called him that night to explain that there was indeed something wrong with the situation. However, based on his understanding of her, he should have thought that she would not have left for no reason at such an occasion.

However, after returning that morning, he did not even ask her why she had left. When she thought of this, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

Sha Zhixing was not an unreasonable person, and she would not make trouble for him. If he had called, everything might have been fine.