Chapter 322: Stop Messing around?

However, she had been in the hospital for so many days, and he had not called her at all...

In fact, she was also injured in the car accident at that time. When her elbow hit the ground, it was red and swollen. However, compared to Shi Qinuo's injury, she had neglected her own injury.

Under such circumstances, if he had asked her what had happened last night that morning, she might have felt a little better.

Sha Zhixing was a little annoyed. She kicked a parasol tree beside her with the tip of her foot.

The tree trunk shook a few times after she kicked it. Yellow leaves fell from the tree and scattered all over the ground.

Not far behind her, a car was speeding in her direction. It passed by her, skidded for a while, and then slowly turned back.

The car window was lowered slowly. Luo Xichen sat in the car and looked in her direction.

Sha Zhixing was still sulking. She kept tossing and turning at the not-so-thick parasol tree. The leaves kept falling and fallen leaves were all over the ground.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly. He looked up and down at her body. There was no sign of injury. He sighed.

The car door was pushed open. His slender legs stepped out of the car and he walked towards her step by step.

Suddenly, there was a sound coming from the empty boulevard. Sha Zhixing was stunned for a few seconds and all her movements slowly stopped.

The footsteps got closer and closer and finally disappeared behind her.

Shi Qinuo only called to tell him that the two of them were in the hospital. He did not explain the specific situation, but Luo Xichen could imagine that one of them must have been injured.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were in the hospital?" Luo Xichen asked in a deep voice, as magnetic as ever.

He was very close to her. Sha Zhixing could even feel his warm breath.

The figure with her back facing him stiffened. After a few seconds of silence, her voice slowly rang out. "Why didn't you care about this that morning?"

"I'm concerned about it now." Luo Xichen's voice was emotionless.

"It's already too late." Sha Zhixing took a few steps forward. Her footsteps were light, and there was not much anger in her voice.

Luo Xichen studied the tone of her voice, and the corners of his lips curled up after a few seconds.

He caught up with her in a few steps, and grabbed her wrist.

"Then, what will it take for Miss Sha to forgive this belated concern?" He looked at her quietly, his eyes a little warm.

Sha Zhixing looked up and raised her chin coldly. "That depends on the sincerity of the other party."

Luo Xichen tugged at the corners of his lips and smiled. "The other party took ten minutes to travel all the way here after receiving the call. Is that enough sincerity?"

Sha Zhixing did not answer directly. She looked around and rubbed her stomach. "I'm hungry."

"Why aren't you eating?" Luo Xichen asked as he rubbed her white wrist.

"You're inviting me?" Sha Zhixing turned around slowly and smiled.

Luo Xichen looked up from her wrist and fixed his eyes on her thin face. He pulled her into his arms and pressed her against his body.

"Zhixing, can we stop fooling around?" he asked in a deep and hoarse voice as he wrapped his arms around her slender body.