Chapter 314 was an accident

She understood in her heart that in consideration of the child's dignity, she did not expose him.

"Go over there and wait for sister. I'll go get something." Pointing to a lounge chair on the side of the lawn in front, Sha Zhixing reminded him. Afraid that he would be hungry later, she turned around and went to the feeding area.

There were many people at the scene. As Hai Luo walked, he was studying the toy gun in his hand.

This gun was designed for him by his family. It looked like a gun played by ordinary children, but it had many practical uses. It could shoot out silver needles, and when in danger, it could be used to attack others.

Hai Luo lowered his head and walked forward. He did not look at anyone. After taking a few steps, he bumped into a figure unexpectedly.

This bump caused a dull pain in his head. The hand holding the gun instinctively pulled the trigger, and a silver needle shot out of nowhere.

"Ah!" Following his action, there was a sound of pain at the scene. The sound was very depressing, as if it was very painful.

Hai Luo raised his head in puzzlement, and his gaze met He Simu's face.

He Simu was hit by him. Before she could react to the situation, she suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her waist. It felt like she had been pricked by a needle.

She lowered her head and saw that the needle had not completely sunk into the flesh.

The rest of the needle had completely sunk into the flesh...

He Simu stared at the needle and her face turned pale for a few seconds.

Hai Luo did not expect this to happen either. His actions just now were purely a reaction to the sudden situation and he was stunned for a moment.

The needle had not been taken out and it was still a little thick. He Simu's waist was numb from the pain. She grabbed his wrist and wanted to push him down. Behind her, a voice suddenly sounded. "Miss He, what are you doing?"

He Simu's hand that was holding Hai Luo's wrist stiffened. She looked sideways at Hai Luo, and the anger on her face disappeared in a few seconds. She slowly let go of Hai Luo's hand.

"Take care of your friend. Don't let him hurt anyone he catches." With that, He Simu left with an expressionless face.

Sha Zhixing did not know what had happened. She squatted down, and her gaze fell on Hai Luo.

"What happened just now? Where did you hit or fall?" Sha Zhixing was afraid that he would get hurt. She looked around his body, and her gaze fell on the part of his wrist that He Simu had just grabbed. She was shocked to find that it was red and swollen.

He was a six-year-old child. His skin was still very tender, and the additional redness and swelling on his fair wrist was very obvious.

She turned her head and looked at He Simu, who was already far away. Sha Zhixing's gaze darkened.

How could she hit a child so hard?

Sha Zhixing originally did not have much of an impression of He Simu, but with just this one detail, her evaluation of her started to decrease.

Sha Zhixing gently massaged him and asked softly, "Hai Luo, does it hurt?"

"It's okay, big sister, don't worry. She should be in more pain than me." Hai Luo comforted her like a little *****. His face was smiling, but his brows were furrowed.

Sha Zhixing could tell from his expression that it must still be very painful.

"Big sister will take you to the side to apply some medicine." Sha Zhixing bent down and picked him up. As she walked to an empty corner of the lawn, she asked him what had happened.

Hai Luo carefully explained how he bumped into He Simu and how he had given her a shot.

Sha Zhixing placed him on a chair while she went to her house to get some medicine.

"Be careful when you walk in the future," she reminded him as she helped him apply the medicine.