Chapter 315 did not include the main character's meeting

Hai Luo nodded and answered her obediently.

Sha Zhixing finished applying the medicine for him. Just as she was about to take the medicine back and put it away, her phone suddenly rang.

It was Shi Qinuo calling.

Sha Zhixing put the medicine aside and answered the phone happily. "Master, where are you? Are you coming over tonight?"

"Come out." Two words came from the other end of the phone. After a pause of about half a minute, Shi Qinuo's voice sounded again. "... I don't know the way."

Sha Zhixing choked on his words. Thinking about how Shi Qinuo was looking for the way, the corner of her lips twitched slightly, and she said, "Wait for me, I'll come out to pick you up."

"Hai Luo, wait for your sister here. Don't run around. I'll come in later." Bending down, Sha Zhixing reminded Hai Luo again. Then, she took her phone and walked out of the Luo family's gate.

After a few days of conditioning, Shi Qinuo's legs were almost ready to walk. He should come to such an occasion tonight.

There were a lot of roads near the Luo family and the Sha family. There were several boulevards outside the house. She could understand why Shi Qinuo couldn't find the exact direction.

She called him to ask for his exact location. Sha Zhixing spent a few minutes walking.

When she arrived, Shi Qinuo was lazily leaning against the car, waiting for her. The two of them were more than ten meters apart.

"Master!" Sha Zhixing called out to him. She wanted to run towards him, but after running for a short while, a car behind her suddenly sped towards her.

"Zhixing, be careful!" Shi Qinuo's scream came from beside her. His voice was very urgent and a little hoarse.

Sha Zhixing slowly turned her head and saw the situation behind her. She wanted to avoid it, but a figure rushed in front of her at a faster speed than she did, pushing her to the ground behind her


The two of them crashed into the ground one after the other.

The scene fell dead silent in that second, leaving only the sound of cars in the surroundings.

Sha Zhixing was stunned for a few seconds. She raised her head stiffly and fixed her gaze on the face of the man who was pressing down on her.

Shi Qinuo's eyes were slightly closed. He lay quietly on her body, as if he was asleep.

Sha Zhixing quietly looked at his handsome face. Her gaze and slow speed moved down. Her hand touched a moist and hot liquid. After a few seconds of being stunned, she sat up and supported him against her body. Her voice was a little panicked. "Master, how are you?"

Shi Qinuo did not respond. His hand slowly dropped down.

A movement shocked Sha Zhixing so much that her face turned pale. She did not know the extent of his injury. Moreover, his previous injury had just recovered.

"Master! Master..." Sha Zhixing called out to him one after another as her arms hugged his body.

However, Shi Qinuo still did not react at all.

Sha Zhixing's head turned around in a daze. She looked at the surging traffic around her and put him aside. She ran to the side of the road and stopped a car nearby.

After explaining the situation to the owner of the car, the person got out of the car and helped Shi Qinuo into the car with her.

When the sports car started, Sha Zhixing looked out of the window and happened to see the figure of the car that had just caused the accident.

Sha Zhixing watched quietly and secretly recorded the license plate number in her mind...

Just as the car that was carrying the two people left, a few dazzling lights suddenly shot up into the sky in the direction of the Luo family not far away, followed by the sound of fireworks.

The dark night was instantly lit up. In the sky, brilliant fireworks sprinkled down like a meteor shower, decorating the night with a beautiful scene...