Chapter 316: Young Master Luo lost his temper

At this moment, in the Luo family's garden, Luo Xichen was shuttling through the crowd. His eyes swept over the faces of the guests inch by inch, trying to find the familiar figure. However, he had walked all over the lawn. He did not even see a shadow of Sha Zhixing.

On a stage set up in the middle of the venue, rose petals of various colors were spread all over the floor, making the atmosphere romantic and beautiful.

On the stage, the host of the party looked at Luo Xichen's back, and a clear voice suddenly rang out. "Hello, everyone. I'm very happy to have all of you here tonight. On this special day, Young Master Luo has something very important to announce to all of you. Now, let's invite the next heir of the Rong Xi Corporation, Young Master Luo!"

Following the host's voice, the spotlight shifted. They walked around the scene for a while and shone in the direction of Luo Xichen.

As the lights moved, the eyes of all the guests at the scene fell on him.

Luo Xichen had been looking for Sha Zhixing for a long time, but she was nowhere to be seen. She did not pick up her phone either. He was in a very bad mood, and his unhappiness was written all over his face.

Above his head, the sound of fireworks was still echoing, and all kinds of fireworks were blooming beautifully.

On the stage, rose petals were blown up by the wind, and even the wind was filled with the elegant fragrance of flowers.

All the guests' eyes were on him without exception.

In his hand was an exquisite jewelry box...

Luo Xichen had never cared about what others thought of him. However, he had prepared so much tonight, and Sha Zhixing had just disappeared without a word. He had especially reminded her of this. The anger in his chest rose immediately.

He took out his phone and dialed the familiar number again. His face was full of frost.

The answer was still an automatic voice message reminding him that the other party had turned off the phone.

Luo Xichen was furious. It was as if he had arranged a wedding and the bride had suddenly disappeared. It was not a matter of losing face in front of so many people, but a matter of trampling on his hard work!

He Simu's eyes darted around the scene. Looking at the rose petals all over the stage, she could roughly guess what he was planning to do tonight.

Looking at the expression on his face, she could quickly guess what had happened.

Under the gazes of the guests present, she slowly walked to Luo Xichen's side and stood side by side with him.

She turned to the crowd and smiled. She spoke on his behalf. "Thank you for all the guests here tonight. Young Master Luo would like to announce that the sales of Rong Xi's 5203 Admiration jewelry has exceeded eight figures in a month. In order to thank all the business partners for their support for Rong Xi, all the guests will receive a special gift from Rong Xi after this banquet."

Her words were calm, slow, and clear. The corners of her lips were always slightly raised as she spoke. As soon as she finished speaking, the crowd burst into applause.

Wen Lan stood not far from the crowd and watched the scene quietly. A faint smile appeared on her lips.

Luo Xichen knew that He Simu's words were only to help him out.

He turned his head and looked at her indifferently. He clenched the jewelry box in his hand and ran towards the Luo family's gate...