Chapter 317 pretending to be weak

"Xichen, the banquet is not over yet. Where are you going?" Wen Lan's anxious voice came from behind.

Luo Xichen ignored her and ran out of the Luo family. Just as he was about to walk towards Sha Zhixing's house, a small figure suddenly appeared in front of him and called out to him in a childish voice. "Xichen, are you looking for Sister Zhixing?"

Luo Xichen lowered his gaze and his gaze fell on Hai Luo's face.

"Do you know where she is?" he asked excitedly, his hands clutching his arms.

"It hurts... it hurts..." Hai Luo pointed at his hands and moaned in pain. The expression on his face reminded Luo Xichen of a few words: pretending to be weak...

How could the Hai family be so weak?

However, he was not in the mood to argue with a little brat about this.

He picked up his little body and looked at Hai Luo. He asked again, "Where is Zhixing?"

"Sister came out after receiving a phone call. She told me to wait for her in there and that she would be back in a few minutes. She hasn't come back yet, and I'm looking for her," said Hai Luo, afraid that he would throw him out again. "Tell me the truth," said Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen put him on the ground and patted his head as if nothing had happened. "Be good, go in first. Don't let daddy and mommy not find you later."

His tone was calm, as if his rude behavior was an illusion.

No matter how cool Hai Luo was, he did not have the ability to compete with him. He pursed his lips, turned his head and walked into the house.

Luo Xichen's eyes were empty in the dark night. He thought for a while, then turned and walked towards the Sha family home.

However, after entering the house, he searched every room, but there was no sign of Sha Zhixing.

Standing in her room, Luo Xichen took out his phone and dialed her number again.

Du, du, du, du...

In response to his call, the line was cut off automatically.

Luo Xichen's face darkened even more when he heard the voice that he was tired of listening to tonight...

At the hospital at this moment.

Shi Qinuo had been unconscious for a whole night after he was brought in.

Sha Zhixing had been sitting next to him the whole time, her brows furrowed and her eyelids did not even close.

She did not know the extent of his injuries when she saw him bleeding. She was extremely worried.

The doctor did a detailed check-up after arriving at the hospital, but he was still unconscious.

The injuries he had sustained at the racecourse last time, coupled with the accident this time, should not be able to withstand such pain even if his body was made of iron.

The next morning, Shi Qinuo woke up. When he opened his eyes, he saw Sha Zhixing looking at him with a mournful expression.

"Sha Zhixing, what's with your expression? I'm not dead yet." A low voice suddenly sounded. It was unknown whether his words were self-deprecating or mocking.

Sha Zhixing slowly came back to her senses after hearing his voice. She only looked at him and did not refute him for once.

Shi Qinuo's legs were numb from the pain, but his brain did not stop working at this time. He slowly recalled the situation at that time and slowly turned his gaze to her. "Have you done anything wrong recently? You met with such bad luck at your doorstep."

This question stumped Sha Zhixing.

She did seem to have been a little unlucky recently...

"Master, why did you suddenly rush over again?" Sha Zhixing asked embarrassedly when she thought of the scene of him rushing over.

"My life is bigger than yours." Shi Qinuo replied her with six words in a casual manner.

"Crash resistant?" Sha Zhixing followed up with his teasing.
