Chapter 318, the black-bellied duo

Shi Qinuo looked at her strangely, his thin lips slowly spat out two words. "Courting death?"

After his words, Sha Zhixing's lips could not help but twitch.

"Are you still feeling unwell? I'll get the doctor to take a look at you." Thinking of his coma that night, her gaze fell on his head. She was afraid that if he did not find out about the internal injuries, it would cause some sequelae.

"What kind of look is that?" Shi Qinuo's lips twitched slightly.

"It's a concerned look," Sha Zhixing said with a smile.

She looked very good when she smiled. The corners of her lips curled up slightly, as if the warmth of the world had gathered.

Shi Qinuo looked at her quietly. He thought of the scene before the accident and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

He took out his cell phone and dialed someone's number. He said coldly to the person on the other end of the line, "Help me pull up all the surveillance footage of the Luo family and find the driver of the car accident tonight. Beat him to death!"

His tone was cold. It was as if the ice had shattered. Sha Zhixing felt as if he was possessed by Luo Xichen.

The two of them were actually quite similar when they were angry.

"Master..." Sha Zhixing called out to him with a smile as she watched his back.

"What's wrong?" Shi Qinuo thought that his tone had scared her. His expression softened a little.

However, what Sha Zhixing said was, "Actually, I've already asked someone to call the police. The perpetrator should be at the nearest police station. If you want to settle the score, it's more convenient for us to go to the police station together."

Shi Qinuo's face stiffened after hearing her words. He turned his head and looked at her smiling face. The corners of his lips twitched.

Judging from her tone, she still wanted to stab that person in the back?

"Well done." Shi Qinuo patted her shoulder lightly. She sounded like a child worth teaching.

Sha Zhixing waved his hand away in disdain and replied expressionlessly, "Get lost!"

Shi Qinuo looked at her slightly angry face and the corners of his lips slowly rose...

The two of them chatted for a while in the early morning. Sha Zhixing was afraid that Luo Xichen would be worried. After Shi Qinuo's daily check-up, she left the hospital and returned to the castle.

The main purpose of her return was to change her clothes. Shi Qinuo had been injured twice because of her and left him alone in the hospital. She felt that it was inconvenient and wanted to stay there with him for the next few days.

As she had asked many of the servants in the castle to leave, the huge castle was very quiet now. The remaining servants would only appear when there was a need.

There was no one in the huge living room. The sun shone through the transparent French windows, adding a lot of light to the room. However, it was still rather quiet and lifeless.

Sha Zhixing changed into her slippers at the entrance and went upstairs step by step. She went to the master bedroom and gently pushed the door open.

Luo Xichen sat on the sofa by the window. He was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. He had unbuttoned a few buttons on his chest. This was something he would normally do when he was upset.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the ground. His expression was empty and there was no expression on his face. He looked like someone who had wandered outside for a few days.

"Xichen..." Sha Zhixing looked at him. Her eyes were a little sore. She called out to him and slowly walked into the house.