Chapter 345 was so interesting

He pushed her against the wall behind him and his eyes wandered past her hand that had just passed Shi Qinuo's. He fixed his eyes on her face and suddenly tilted his head and bit her neck hard.

"Luo Xichen, what are you doing... It hurts..." Sha Zhixing dodged in a panic and pushed him away with her arm...

She had to go on stage later. Although she could not see it, she could feel that there must be a mark on her neck. Was he so pure that she could not see anyone?

Luo Xichen ignored her and pulled her over with one arm. He pressed her body against his and kissed her with his thin lips. He even sucked on her lips.

A clear strawberry mark immediately appeared.

Sha Zhixing felt a numbness on her neck. She took out her phone and looked in the mirror. Her face turned green with anger when she saw the mark on her neck.

Luo Xichen was very satisfied with the mark on her neck. He even kneaded her neck with his fingers.

This was his own!

"Remember who your man is next time," he said and turned to leave.

Sha Zhixing glared at him with anger in her eyes.

What did he take her for? This feeling made her feel like a pet with its owner's tag on it.

She caught up with him in a few steps, grabbed his wrist before he was about to leave, and turned around. She stood on tiptoe and bit his neck with her teeth.

She bit him very hard until she saw the clear mark on his neck. Then, she let go of him.

"This is my way of returning the favor," Sha Zhixing said and walked in front of him towards the conference hall.

If you want to lose face, let's do it together!

Luo Xichen was stunned for a moment. He touched his wound with the tip of his finger and smiled faintly.

When the two of them returned to the hall one after the other, there were already many people present.

Young Master Shao was like a spotlight wherever he went, attracting the attention of many people.

Sha Zhixing, who was walking in front of him, was innocent and was also being stared at by many people.

A group of people looked at the bite marks on the necks of the two of them. They smiled meaningfully and turned their heads back.

The people sitting inside were not like the reporters outside. They were either senior designers or powerful people like Luo Xichen. They were not that gossipy. They only looked at the two of them out of curiosity and then looked away.

When Sha Zhixing walked past one of the rows of seats, she heard a designer exclaim, "Young people nowadays are so interesting. It's so good to be young!"

The exclamation was natural and without any sarcasm. It was purely emotional. Sha Zhixing felt a little embarrassed and quickened her pace.

He Simu sat not far away from the two of them and watched the scene expressionlessly. Her gaze shifted from the bite mark on Luo Xichen's neck to Sha Zhixing's neck. She watched quietly and frowned slightly.

Was this a show of affection?

There was still about half an hour before the start of the competition.

Sha Zhixing returned to her seat and took out her design to look at it.

This time, her design was a necklace. She didn't like those overly complicated things, which was also reflected in her design.

Her style was simple. In her opinion, the simpler something was, the more classic it would be and the more durable it would be to look at. Just like people, the moment when they were dressed up was usually the only moment when they were dazzled. After a moment of being dazzled, it would quickly become dull...