Chapter 346 I love you

The necklace that Sha Zhixing had designed this time was a casual version. It was not the elegant and luxurious style that matched an evening gown. The necklace was made up of a black string. She had spent some effort on the design of the pendant. The final draft was two rings that were tightly locked together. One was big and the other was small. They looked exactly the same. There were 11 diamonds inlaid on the rings. They were very small, thin diamonds, and white.

Her design looked very simple, but in fact, it was very elegant. The simpler the item, the more effort it would take to make an impression. And her effort this time was on the rings on the pendant.

The theme of her design was very innovative.

Shi Qinuo sat next to her and looked at the design in her hand. He looked at Luo Xichen, who was sitting with He Simu.

Was her design for him?

"Master, I'm going out to get some fresh air." There were a lot of people in the conference hall, and the atmosphere was a little gloomy. Sha Zhixing left the hall with the design.

Before the competition, the final design of each contestant had been handed to the organizers. The one in her hand was a backup. She took it and looked at it herself.

The resort was very large, and it was equipped with many entertainment facilities.

This competition was more international, and it wasn't as formal as many domestic competitions. There was even a self-service food area for the contestants who came.

After Sha Zhixing came out, she took a stroll in the garden. Afraid that the competition would drag on for a long time, she turned to the self-service food area, preparing to get some sweets to fill her stomach.

When she arrived, He Simu was also there. She was surrounded by a few reporters, talking about the achievements of the 5203 series jewelry.

Sha Zhixing originally did not have any feelings for He Simu, but after seeing how hard she had hit harloys the last time, she instinctively did not like her.

She was not interested in He Simu, so naturally, she would not be interested in her interviews. What 5203? It had nothing to do with her.

She was holding a plate and was about to get some dessert when a reporter's voice suddenly sounded. "Miss He, I heard that this series of jewelry is about a story of admiration. Does this have anything to do with Mr. Luo?"

The sudden voice caused Sha Zhixing's back to stiffen, and the plate in her hand almost fell to the ground.

He Simu did not know whether it was conscious or unconscious from the corner of her eyes, but she just happened to catch a glimpse of Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing's expression was a little dull. She was obviously shocked by the reporter's question. Her hand maintained the motion of picking up food, and she did not come back to her senses for a long time.

He Simu observed her without batting an eyelid. Her red lips raised slightly, and she smiled at the reporter. "A story that is worth remembering always gives people endless space to daydream. Everyone's imagination is very rich."

Her tone was very light. It sounded like sarcasm on the surface, but it did not sound like it if one listened carefully.

Was she affirming or denying?

"Miss He, can you say more?" The reporter wanted to ask more, but He Simu rejected her with a smile. "Let's call it a day for today's interview. There's still a competition later. If everyone has more questions, we'll meet again at Rong Xi's new jewelry launch."

After saying that, she turned her back and did not seem to care.

Her words were not to reject the interview, but to delay the time. Moreover, the competition was indeed about to start. The group of reporters looked at each other a few times and all left.


Activity announcement: collect all kinds of comics from Zhixing and Xichen and draw the most silly, cute, or tender plot in your mind. Qiqi Weibo has a sample. It's very simple. The selected comics have a reward. As for the specific situation, please follow Qixi's Sina Weibo Nickname: He Ye Qingxia. If you're interested, please join us