Chapter 349 was so intimate

The level of her work this time was actually similar to the Admiration Series. However, after so many people had seen the jewelry that they admired, and then looked at something similar, the feeling of being amazed was gone.

Actually, Sha Zhixing felt the same when she saw this. However, even under such circumstances, it was not easy for He Simu to get such a high score.

The competition was still ongoing. After all the works in the first half were displayed, there was a half-hour break in the afternoon.

Sha Zhixing's exhibition was in the second half. She went to the buffet area to get food during the half-time break.

Luo Xichen and He Simu were there when she arrived.

Luo Xichen was picking up dessert with a small plate. He Simu stood beside him with a smile and helped him pick up another plate. She had taken quite a lot of things, including western-style cakes and fruits. She picked up a small piece of fruit after the small plate was loaded, as if she wanted Luo Xichen to taste it.

Luo Xichen did not give her much of a reaction. She handed the plate to him again.

Sha Zhixing happened to see the scene as soon as she came over.

Her gaze shifted from the back of the two to the shoulder next to each other, and then to the food He Simu brought to Luo Xichen's mouth. She let out a faint snort.

How intimate!

How long had it been since they parted ways, and he was already walking together with other women like this?

Sha Zhixing felt a wave of displeasure in her heart, but she did not show it on her face. She walked to the dining area, took a plate of dessert, and sat down to enjoy it casually, as if the two of them did not exist.

Luo Xichen looked over He Simu's shoulder and saw her sitting there. He looked at her hand that kept feeding him food, and smiled. He took the plate of food from He Simu and walked towards her.

He sat down beside her and put the food on the small table.

He Simu looked at his back quietly, and her red lips curled into a faint smile.

He did not reject the food that she handed him...

Sha Zhixing was displeased when she saw the plate of food that he brought over. She lowered her head and ate the dessert on her plate casually. She directly filtered his plate as if it was air, and Luo Xichen also filtered it out in front of her.

Luo Xichen actually liked to see her jealous. At least, it meant that she cared about each other. He felt that this was a good thing for her.

"Is it enough? If it's not enough, I'll give this plate to you." He pushed the plate that He Simu had given him under her eyes. The corners of his lips were full of smiles.

A single action made the smile on He Simu's face instantly freeze.

He had accepted her food because he wanted to give it to Sha Zhixing?

He Simu stared at his actions. She even suspected that he had come to the food area to get food for Sha Zhixing.

The food he had brought was all desserts.

How could a man, especially a man like him, like to eat such sweet food?

Sha Zhixing did not expect Luo Xichen to do such a thing. She turned to look at him in surprise.

Wasn't he a little too direct? Wasn't he afraid of hurting others?

Luo Xichen ignored her completely. He picked up the plate in one hand and the fork in the other. He took over her actions and brought a small piece of cake to her lips.

He was very handy when he did this. It was obvious that he had practiced it countless times.

Sha Zhixing was a little embarrassed to be fed like this in public, but she did not reject it. She moved her face closer and swallowed the food that he had sent over...