Chapter 350: Missing

"The second half of the competition is about to start. Judging from the situation, we only need to win against He Simu to win the championship." Luo Xichen analyzed the format of the competition while serving her.

Sha Zhixing listened quietly with an awkward expression on her face.

In fact, she would have enjoyed it very much if this had happened at home. However, it felt like they were showing off their love in public with so many people passing by. This was not in line with her low-key style.

"If you get a higher score later, then deepen the morale," Luo Xichen continued to guide her.

She had already gone to the battlefield and handed in her work. There was no way to change the design, so she could only improve the morale.

A good morale had a great impact on the work. It was equivalent to giving a lifeless thing a soul.

"I understand," Sha Zhixing replied softly.

He Simu stood quietly on the spot, watching the two of them leave. Then, she looked at the plate of food that had been put aside and her face darkened...

"Let's go in earlier." Luo Xichen put down the plate in his hand and dragged her to the conference hall.

There were still ten minutes before the second half of the show. Sha Zhixing went to the washroom.

When she arrived at the washroom, there were many people waiting outside the cubicle. After waiting for a few minutes outside, there seemed to be only a few people left when she went in.

Someone had just gone out when she entered the door.

When Sha Zhixing walked into a cubicle, the door of the female washroom was suddenly closed with a bang.

The sudden sound made her heart tighten. She wanted to pull open the cubicle door to check the situation, but she found that the cubicle was also locked from the outside.

The competition was about to begin. It was quiet inside and outside the washroom, as if there was no one there.

Sha Zhixing's first reaction was that the person who had closed the door was the woman who had brushed past her when she entered, but she did not have the time to think about it.

The competition was about to start, and she had to get out!

This competition was like many other competitions. If the host announced the names a few times and the contestant did not appear, it would generally be regarded as an automatic forfeit...

Sha Zhixing was very anxious. She looked around and thought of a way to save herself.

At the conference venue.

Luo Xichen and Shi Qinuo's faces were very cold. They looked in the direction of Sha Zhixing's seat from time to time and looked at their wristwatches again and again.

The second half of the competition had already started. There were already three pieces on display.

Shi Qinuo did not know how many pieces of Sha Zhixing's work would be on display. He was afraid that it would be her turn next. He stood up and walked out of the venue.

Luo Xichen sat in his seat and thought about where she might go. He knew how much she valued this competition. It was impossible for her not to show up at such a critical time. The only possibility was... something had happened!

He stood up and walked out of the venue.

Just as he reached the door, the voice of the host on the stage suddenly sounded. "The next contestant is recommended by the French genius designer Jesse. The name of the work is Xiao Wuqi. Let's invite the designer, Miss Sha Zhixing!"

The audience burst into thunderous applause when they heard Shi Qinuo's English name. Just this name alone made people hold a lot of expectations for Sha Zhixing.

More people were curious about what kind of person could be selected by the usually cold and noble Jesse.

The host's voice rang out for the first time, but there was no reaction from the audience...