Chapter 356, two shameless

Sha Zhixing stared at him carefully for a long time, but Shi Qinuo's face was still red from the choking. There was not much expression on his face, and he did not seem to have any intention of fighting back.

Sha Zhixing was relieved. She stood up and naturally helped him scald the vegetables.

Shi Zhixing grew up in France and only knew how to use knives and forks. He rarely used chopsticks and did not carry them smoothly. In a place like the hot pot restaurant, there were usually no forks.

It was because of this that Sha Zhixing took the initiative to serve him.

Shi Qinuo quietly watched her movements as she slowly filled his bowl with food. She added a lot of food, spoonfuls by spoonfuls, and all of them were of a certain type. Then, without blushing or panting, he changed his seasoning bowl with Sha Zhixing's.

Sha Zhixing stood up to serve him, so she didn't pay attention to his movements. After boiling the vegetables, she transferred them all to his bowl. "Master, this is a gift from your disciple!"

"Good girl." Shi Qinuo now enjoyed this way of addressing her. He accepted all the things that she had sent over, and even patted her head as if he was rewarding a child.

One action made the corner of Sha Zhixing's lips twitch slightly, and the expression on her face instantly froze.

"I don't like this, this, and this!" Shi Qinuo's chopsticks casually stirred the things that she had sent over. He lazily leaned back on the chair and pointed at several of the dishes.

Sha Zhixing's face darkened.

Did he mean that she still had to help him pick them out?

"Good disciple, I'm still waiting for my meal." Shi Qinuo's lips curled up. He sounded like he was trying to provoke her.

Sha Zhixing's face turned pale with anger.

Was he trying to sell his seniority to her?

F*ck, he was as shameless as Luo Xichen!

"Do it yourself!" Sha Zhixing said as she sat down in her seat. She picked up a pile of dishes for herself and stirred them in the seasoning bowl before putting them into her mouth.

As soon as she ate it, a pungent taste suddenly entered her mouth and nose, and tears immediately flowed out.

Shi Qinuo looked at her and smiled faintly. "Disciple, is the taste good?"

Sha Zhixing's face alternated between red and white. She looked at him sideways and saw the playful look in his eyes. She pushed him and rushed into the bathroom in the private room, followed by the sound of running water.

When she came out, her face was much better, and there were a few drops of tears at the corner of her eyes. She looked a little pitiful with tears in her eyes.

Shi Qinuo looked at her and the smile on his face became a little wider.

She still needed more time to play tricks with him.

Luo Xichen frowned as he watched the scene from beginning to end.

The two of them were getting closer and closer?

He felt that he was unnecessary when he was with them.

Sha Zhixing did not notice his expression. She sat back in her seat and did not bother about the fact that she had just been pranked by Shi Qinuo. She stood up magnanimously and continued to help him with the dishes. "Master, this is your first time here. Eat more."

She picked up a lot of food. All of them were a bunch of strange things that Shi Qinuo did not even recognize.

Shi Qinuo had seen her bring the food over, so he was not worried that she would play any tricks. When she came over, he accepted the food according to the bill.

Halfway through the food, he suddenly asked, "What are these?"

Sha Zhixing's gaze turned to him casually and began to introduce, "Tripe, duck gizzards, lung tablets..."

She said a lot at once, but before she could finish, Shi Qinuo rushed into the bathroom with a dark face...