Chapter 357. Just pretend that I don't exist

Then, there was the sound of running water in the bathroom.

The things that Sha Zhixing gave him were usually thrown away by foreigners. Shi Qinuo had never touched them since he was a child. To him, such things were not edible.

Sha Zhixing listened quietly to the sounds coming from inside and her red lips curled up in satisfaction.

Pranking people? Was he the only one who knew how to do it?

Shi Qinuo had stayed in the room for a long time. At that moment, only Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen were left in the room.

When Sha Zhixing sat down, she caught a glimpse of Luo Xichen's cold face and asked, "What's wrong?"

Luo Xichen had been in a bad mood ever since he had entered the room, especially when he saw Sha Zhixing and Shi Qinuo getting so close to each other.

If he had not known Sha Zhixing's personality, he would have been jealous by now.

This was her personality. No matter if it was a man, a woman, or young or old, it was easy to get close to her as long as they got to know each other.

Luo Xichen was actually a little uncomfortable looking at this, but after thinking about it carefully, he suppressed this feeling.

There was no need to doubt who Sha Zhixing liked. It would be too tyrannical if she didn't even have the right to make friends with him.

"Are you unhappy?" Sha Zhixing put her hand on his shoulder, picked up a small piece of cake, and brought it to his lips.

Luo Xichen did not refuse. He swallowed the food that she had brought him, and even sucked on her finger with the tip of his tongue.

A small electric current shot up from her finger. She was a little ticklish and wanted to pull her hand back, but Luo Xichen pressed her against his chest and leaned into his embrace. He lowered his head and kissed her lips.

He wanted to go deeper, but the bathroom door was suddenly pulled open.

Sha Zhixing's face turned red. She pushed Luo Xichen aside and sat back down in her seat.

"Actually, you can continue. Just pretend that I'm not here." Shi Qinuo walked towards them without any expression on his face.

French people were very open-minded. It was normal to see people kissing on the streets.

"Master, shouldn't you celebrate with me?" Sha Zhixing was a little embarrassed, but she did not show it on her face. She opened a bottle of beer and said that she wanted to have a drink with him.

Shi Qinuo did not stand on ceremony with her. He walked over to her, poured a glass for both of them, and poured another for Luo Xichen.

"Xichen has to drive!" Sha Zhixing stopped him before he poured the beer.

Shi Qinuo was stunned. He had forgotten such an important thing.

He did not continue to insist. He took the cup and started to drink with Sha Zhixing.

He had helped a lot in this competition. Sha Zhixing had been pouring wine for him.

Tonight was supposed to be a celebration for her. Shi Qinuo drank happily. He did not even hesitate to drink after she filled the cup.

The two of them went back and forth and finished 12 bottles of beer.

Shi Qinuo was the type of person who would not get drunk after a thousand cups. He was the one who solved most of the problems. He drank like nothing had happened.

Sha Zhixing was slightly drunk. Her face was a little red, but she was still conscious.

It was already past 10 o'clock in the evening when the three of them left the place for dinner. Luo Xichen wanted to send Shi Qinuo back, but Shi Qinuo felt that it was not very convenient, so he refused.

Sha Zhixing's steps were a little messy and her limbs were a little weak. She took a few steps and smiled coquettishly at Luo Xichen. "Xichen, carry me!"