Chapter 358, surprise

Luo Xichen had been left out by her in there. He wanted to slap her when he saw her like that, but he could not bring himself to do it.

He half-squatted and turned his back to her.

Sha Zhixing was slightly drunk, but she was very agile when it came to picking up the pieces. She put her arms on his shoulders and climbed up quickly.

"Drink less next time." Although Luo Xichen knew that today's situation was special, he did not want to see her drink too much. If she drank too much, he would be the one in trouble.

"Okay." Sha Zhixing was very obedient and agreed immediately.

Luo Xichen turned to look at her and asked with a smile, "Did you have fun today?"

"Yes." Sha Zhixing nodded. Her words were very economical.

Luo Xichen carried her on his back and walked on the street for a while. He remembered that she had been framed for being late today. He suddenly asked, "What happened when you couldn't get out of the bathroom during the competition?"

"I was framed by a contestant." Sha Zhixing had walked past that person when she went in. She was alone with that person at that time. That person must have locked the door.

"Who?" Luo Xichen's eyes darkened.

"I don't know her. She's a woman from abroad." Sha Zhixing thought about the situation at that time and added, "I didn't see her face clearly. I didn't see anyone who looked like her after that."

She was not bothered by this matter. There were too many people participating in this kind of competition. They were all competitors, so it was not surprising that there were a few people who had framed others.

The two of them walked quietly for a while. Sha Zhixing lay on his back. She thought of his previous promise and turned her head to look at him. She smiled and asked, "Where's my surprise?"

"It's gone." Luo Xichen did not even look at her. He replied lazily, his tone very indifferent.

Sha Zhixing's voice was slightly sarcastic. "Luo Xichen, are you trying to cheat me?"

"So what?" Luo Xichen was very disdainful of her words. His tone was very domineering.

Sha Zhixing glared at him. She was so angry that she punched him on the shoulder.

Luo Xichen did not need to look to know her expression. He looked at the night sky in front of him and replied casually, "I was just teasing you."

Sha Zhixing was stunned and her eyes lit up.

"Really?" She tilted her head towards him and smiled.

"I'll give it to you tomorrow." Luo Xichen smiled and kissed her on the lips.

Sha Zhixing was delighted. She wrapped her arms around his neck in satisfaction and even kissed him back.

She was actually quite embarrassed to accept Luo Xichen's gift.

She liked everything that he had given her in the past. It had nothing to do with how much money he had. The main thing was that everything was very meaningful.

After walking for a few steps, Sha Zhixing suddenly remembered that he had gone on a blind date with He Simu. She poked her head out and looked at him again. "What happened with the blind date?"

"My mother arranged it a few days ago. I didn't tell her about us at that time. I didn't know it was a blind date," Luo Xichen explained patiently. "Don't worry, I won't fall in love so easily."

Sha Zhixing's lips curled up slightly at his words.

She trusted him on this point.

However, she still felt a little uncomfortable when she thought of Wen Lan's previous objections.

"Xichen, I don't want to go back yet." She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked at the colorful neon lights. Her voice sounded faintly...