Chapter 361, Genius No. 2

Luo Xichen had gone to Rong Xi for work and left a note on the table for her. The note said that he would come back to pick her up at a place at six o'clock in the evening and ask her to prepare in advance.

Sha Zhixing put the note away, got out of bed, found a comfortable dress, and changed into it before going downstairs.

When she arrived at the dining room, the breakfast on the table was already arranged. It was a very nourishing porridge with some side dishes. Luo Xichen must have asked the servants to prepare it.

Sha Zhixing felt a warmth in her heart. When she sat down to eat, the three clowns of the Hai family came again.

The so-called regular guests were probably the best description of the three of them. As long as she and Luo Xichen were at home, they could often be seen.

With the addition of these people, the castle became much livelier.

Hai Luo was a genius child. He had been sensitive to computer technology since he was young and his IQ was many times higher than that of children his age. Hai Yue and the two of them were actually cousins. They came from different parents, but they were also considered geniuses. However, her talent was not reflected in those aspects of Hai Luo, but in her photographic memory.

There was almost nothing that she could not remember after seeing it, even if it was a series of data.

Hai Luo was very proud of his talent. He patted his small chest and said to Sha Zhixing, "Sister, if you and brother Xichen have a baby one day, follow me and I will make it the number two genius."

Sha Zhixing was very disdainful of his words, and her knuckles lightly pressed on his head.

What could a six-year-old kid say?

However, if she had special talents like Luo Xichen and Hai Yue by her side, she would be of great help most of the time.

She had an appointment with Luo Xichen in the evening. Sha Zhixing did not go to Shi Qinuo's place to study today. Instead, she stayed in the castle and played with the three members of the Hai family for a day.

Luo Xichen came back at five in the afternoon. He knew that the two of them had something to do later. Hai Yue and the two children disappeared after a few minutes after he arrived.

Luo Xichen's gaze lingered on Sha Zhixing for a few seconds. He walked to the wardrobe and helped her choose a gown that was as long as her ankles.

"Put this on and we'll go somewhere later." Luo Xichen handed the gown to Sha Zhixing and leaned against the wardrobe lazily.

Sha Zhixing was a little confused, but she could imagine that it must have something to do with the 'surprise' between the two of them. She did not ask further and appeared in front of Luo Xichen after putting on the gown.

The gown that Luo Xichen helped her pick out this time was very long. It was made of a bodice-wrapped skirt, satin fabric, and a waist-tuck design. The hem was very long and there was even a part of it that was dragged out. Sha Zhixing could already control many styles, so she had a strong aura after putting on this gown.

Luo Xichen was very satisfied with the dress that he had chosen. He stared at her for a while, and his thin lips curled up slightly.

Sha Zhixing sat in front of the dressing table and tidied up her hair. She felt that something was still missing, so she carefully took out the Asteria that he had given her from the drawer and put it on her neck.

After everything was tidied up, Luo Xichen took her downstairs, and the white Lamborghini slowly drove out of the castle.

"Where are we going?" Sha Zhixing looked out of the window, looking at the road that the two of them were driving, and asked in confusion.

"Guess." Luo Xichen teased her as he drove.

Sha Zhixing snorted and looked disdainful at his words.

Luo Xichen smiled and turned the car around and went onto another road.

Sha Zhixing looked out of the window and aimlessly enjoyed the view of the street as she guessed their destination.