Chapter 362. Keep the good news to yourself

After walking for more than twenty minutes, Sha Zhixing suddenly felt that the road they were taking was very familiar.

Wasn't they going to Rong Xi?

"Xichen..." She turned her head slowly and asked tentatively, "Are we going to Rong Xi?"

"You'll know when we get there." Her question was not entirely correct. Luo Xichen did not explain much and sped up the car. Finally, they stopped at a high-end resort hotel not far from Rong Xi.

The hotel seemed to have been booked for the night. When they arrived, there were no guests in the lobby, but the sounds of people around them could be heard. It seemed to be very lively.

After Luo Xichen's car was parked, a waiter took the initiative and led the two of them in a certain direction of the resort.

They were not heading towards the hotel, but towards a garden at the back.

They had just stepped onto the grass in the garden. Before they could enter, Sha Zhixing's back stiffened and she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

The grass in front of her was covered with large patches of wisteria petals. In the middle of the grass was a wall made of thousands of tanik roses, and in the middle of the wall was a sentence inlaid with gold-rimmed roses. 'Welcome back!'

The layout of the entire field was very romantic. There were many seats on the lawn, and the white chairs were decorated with blue ribbons. The blue and white intersected each other, giving people a very warm feeling.

Rong Xi's people stood on both sides of the grass. Wen Lan and Luo Enqi were at the front, and their collective gaze fell on Sha Zhixing's face. The way they looked at her was unusually gentle.

He Simu stood next to Wen Lan and watched the scene silently. There was no expression on her face, nor did she show any displeasure.

There were a lot of people present tonight. Rong Xi's people should have all arrived. There were many tables at the banquet, and more than half of the lawn had been occupied.

This kind of welcome was even bigger than when He Simu had come.

Luo Enqi smiled at Sha Zhixing and was the first to clap. "Welcome back to Rong Xi, Zhixing."

Sha Zhixing was still in shock at the scene. Luo Xichen had not said anything to her before, but he had suddenly brought her here and given her such a surprise. She was very shocked.

"What the hell is going on?" She turned stiffly to Luo Xichen, her eyes full of confusion.

"You were too good yesterday. Rong Xi quickly poached you in order to keep you from getting into other people's fields." Luo Xichen gave her a reason and held her hand as they walked towards the group of people.

There was a hint of mockery in his tone, but the reason was very convincing, especially since the whole family was as smart as foxes. It was very likely that they would do such a thing.

"I didn't say I wanted to come back." Sha Zhixing felt like she had been kidnapped. She glanced at him and said in a neutral tone.

The last time she had quit the design department in front of so many people was a thorn in Sha Zhixing's heart. Although she had won the competition this time, there were some things that she wouldn't be able to let go of so quickly.

"You're about to marry into the family. Shouldn't Young Madam Luo come back earlier to familiarize herself with the family business?" Luo Xichen's lips curled up slightly. He was very disdainful of her words.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched slightly. She was speechless because of him.

Both of their voices were very low, but He Simu, who was standing in front of them, could still hear them.

Had they progressed to this stage?