Chapter 363: The classic scene of the Second Young Master Shao and Miss Sha

Wen Lan did not know what the two of them were talking about. She walked over, pushed Luo Xichen's hand away, and held Sha Zhixing's hand as they walked to the seats.

"Zhixing, it was Rong Xi who let you down during the design competition last time. If it wasn't for Xichen's investigation this time, no one would have known about it. Don't pay too much attention to it. Everyone did not do it on purpose, and the people who should be punished have already been dealt with. Now, you just need to continue working here."

"Design competition?" Sha Zhixing caught the words coming out of her mouth and looked at Luo Xichen in confusion.

"I was just teasing you for fun," Luo Xichen said casually and walked in front of her to take a seat.

Wen Lan did not know that Luo Xichen had not told her about this, but she did not know anything from her expression. She glared at Luo Xichen and explained the whole thing to her in detail before leading her to her seat.

Today was the welcoming banquet that Rong Xi had specially organized to welcome Sha Zhixing. Luo Xichen had requested that a lot of people attend the banquet. The banquet was also very luxurious. The entire resort had been booked. He did not care what other people thought about it. That feeling was very nouveau riche.

However, this was also Luo Xichen's style of doing things. He did not mind what others thought.

Rong Xi had a lot of people guessing Sha Zhixing's identity. Now that Second Young Master Shao had gone to such great lengths to welcome her and Wen Lan was so close to her, there was a lot of discussion.

Many people placed their bets on Rong Xi's future Young Madam and shifted their bets towards Sha Zhixing from He Simu.

Wen Lan and He Simu sat at the same table. After holding Sha Zhixing's hand, they sat at the same table.

He Simu did not look too good tonight, especially after seeing Wen Lan being so intimate with Sha Zhixing.

However, she did not show any of her emotions.

Sha Zhixing had goosebumps ever since she heard the reporter interview her last time. Although she was not sure if she had returned to China because of Luo Xichen, there was a possibility.

It felt a little strange to be sitting at the same table with a potential rival in love.

During dinner, He Simu was the first to stand up and come to Sha Zhixing's side. She raised the glass in her hand and smiled at Sha Zhixing. "Miss Sha, let me propose a toast to you and welcome you back."

With one move, everyone's eyes fell on the two of them.

He Simu behaved gracefully. She had restrained all her emotions very well. The group of people did not notice it. They were more curious about what kind of sparks would happen when the two candidates for Young Mistress Luo collided.

Sha Zhixing glanced at the rest of the people present and stood up very straightforwardly. She clinked her wine glass with her and then drank the wine in her hand in one gulp.

The two of them actually did not have any grudges. Now that He Simu had come to propose a toast like this, it would be her fault if she did not drink.

Wen Lan looked at the two people standing together at the side and said with a smile, "From now on, the design department will depend on you two."

He Simu just smiled at her and did not say anything.

Next was the meal time.

When it was time for dinner, the classic scene of Second Young Master Shao and Miss Sha would be played out.

This time, the Western food was all the same. There was some food on everyone's plate. Naturally, everything that Luo Xichen did not like was transferred to Sha Zhixing's plate.