Chapter 376,1314, I only have eyes for you

The second scene suddenly changed. It was also a meal, but the scene changed to a young man and woman. The woman was holding a spoon in her hand. Her smile was as sweet as the little girl's. The man's hand was holding her hand He was feeding the food in her spoon to his own mouth.

The third scene suddenly changed to a bedroom. It was a pure white world. White sheets, white pillows. It was the same young man and woman just now. The two were playing, and the girl was holding a pillow in her hand White feathers fell from the sky like snowflakes. The scenes were very strong and beautiful.

The faces of the man and the woman were not exposed in all the shots. There were only side shots, but every smile and every look was captured well. It was like "I only have eyes for you" And the side shots were very beautiful.

All the shots were shot together and formed a short advertisement. At the end of the advertisement was a line: "I only care about you, Rong Xi 1314, the little guessing jewelry series. ".

This was the first time Luo Xichen had shot a commercial, but the results were shocking to everyone.

After the commercial was over, applause rang out, and it lasted for a very long time.

Sha Zhixing looked at the last scene on the screen in astonishment. She looked at the side faces of the two people on the screen, and her eyes slowly turned to Luo Xichen.

Except for the scene when they were young, everything in these scenes happened between her and him last night. However, she did not even know when he had shot it... ...

Luo xichen pursed his lips slightly, his expression a little cold.

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him and turned her head.

However, when she saw the commercial, it was as if flowers had bloomed in her heart. Her feelings were self-evident.

As the shooting of this commercial was all side-profile, other than the Luo Enqi couple and he simu, no one else noticed that Luo Xichen had not only personally handled the shooting of the commercial, but had even taken part as a model himself.

Wen Lan had shot the scenes of the two of them when they were young. There were many similar scenes at home. Back then, the Luo family had often staged such scenes after Sha Zhixing's arrival.

Wen Lan and Luo Enqi looked at each other quietly as they looked at the side-profile of the two of them. A hint of worry flashed across their eyes.

He simu sat next to Wen lan and did not miss the change in her expression. Her heart sank.

Why was she looking at him like that?

He simu tried to figure out the meaning behind Wen lan's eyes, but she could not guess it. Finally, her eyes turned to the pair on the screen expressionlessly.

After taking a few deep breaths, she stood up and clapped her hands. "The advertisement was well shot this time. On behalf of all the members of the design department, I'd like to thank young master Luo for his dedication! "

Luo Xichen turned to look at her and nodded at her.

He simu smiled at him and walked slowly towards Sha Zhixing. She clapped her hands and said, "congratulations to you and to the success of the new issue of jewelry. "

Sha Zhixing did not expect her to come up to her and congratulate her. She was stunned for a moment and replied with two words, "thank you. "

He simu smiled and turned around to walk out of the meeting room.

As soon as she reached the door, the smile on her face immediately faded... ...

The rest of the people also followed her out of the meeting room one after another.

Another topic

She would like to reveal the highlights of the plot: 1. Zhixing's gorgeous transformation, 2. Their wedding and their married life, 3. The mysterious heavyweight who had yet to appear on stage, 4. Xi Chen's special identity, 5. Kubao cute kid. For future updates, she would try to write ten chapters every day, usually in the early morning.