Chapter 377: Yiming

Sha Zhixing did not leave immediately. After everyone had left, she slowly walked to Luo Xichen's side.

Luo Xichen seemed to have known that she would come over. After the screening, he sat lazily in his chair and did not move at all, as if he was waiting for her.

"Why are you filming this? " Sha Zhixing's red lips curled up slightly as she looked at Luo Xichen with sparkling eyes.

"I like it, " Luo Xichen replied.

"I'm very surprised. " Sha Zhixing sat down next to him, her red lips curled up even higher. "I'm also very happy. "

The design this time was meant to insinuate the story between her and him. If the advertisement could be shot by her and him, the effect would definitely be the best.

Besides, Luo Xichen's advertisement this time was very beautiful, and his skills were no less than those of a professional.

Luo Xichen glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, and put an arm around her waist, pressing her down on his lap. He said Lazily, "Do you have any thanks? "

Sha Zhixing naturally knew what he was referring to, but she was in the company now, or in a public meeting room. She glanced at the open door and stood up from him.

"I'M GOING BACK! " She said and went back to the design department happily.

Luo Xichen looked at her back quietly and smiled.

... ...

After the screening, Luo Xichen immediately went to work on the preparations for the official launch of the new edition of Jewelry.

Sha Zhixing's design had her own style. There were hundreds of designers in Rong Xi's headquarters, but none of them had her characteristics. Moreover, she could master many styles well, which was not easy for a newcomer.

The official press conference was ten days later, and there were many people attending. The media alone had invited dozens of companies in the country. Some of them were here for the new issue of jewelry, and some were here to witness Sha Zhixing.

It was an unprecedented example of a person who could defeat so many senior designers at the age of 19.

As Sha Zhixing's mentor, Shi Qinuo was also invited. He had been wearing a pair of big sunglasses and a hat since he appeared, afraid that he would be recognized.

This moment belonged to Sha Zhixing. He did not want to steal her limelight.

After everyone arrived at the venue, the press conference began with a small advertisement. The screen opened and when the images were shown one by one, the noisy crowd instantly quieted down.

When it was shown to the back part of the bed and the pure white world, many people's eyes were filled with amazement.

Many people even started to show the identities of the male and female leads in the human flesh images.

Sha Zhixing had not been exposed a few times, and Luo Xichen had deliberately taken pictures of her side profile. Not many people guessed that it was her. However, Luo Xichen was different. His face was very familiar to the upper-class circles. Although it was a side profile, many people still felt that it was somewhat similar to him.

However, no one really dared to think that way. They just felt that it was similar.

Who would have thought that the Crown Prince of the Rong Xi Group would personally act as a model for an advertisement?

After the advertisement was over, applause broke out in the studio. Then, dozens of models came up to the stage with trays lined with jewelry.

The entire press conference went very smoothly. However, the group of people craned their necks and did not see the designer appear.

One or two minutes after the model walked down, a figure slowly walked up under the expectant gazes of the Group of people... ...