Chapter 413: Young Master Shao's sense of humor

Luo Xichen thought of Sha Zhixing's injury and did not want to go at all. That incident was too serious. Even if she was fine now, it still made his heart palpitate when he thought of it.

Sha Zhixing did not think much of it herself. She was born with courage and there were so many people who agreed with her. She did not want to ruin their mood, so she naturally agreed.

So, the group of people went to the Horse Riding Club, which was a very big club in C city.

Luo Xichen was worried that Sha Zhixing would be injured again. When they arrived at the stables, his eyes wandered over the rows of horses, and he was very serious about helping her choose.

With his help, Sha Zhixing was happy to save herself the trouble. She slowly followed behind him, and said her requirements as they walked, "I like white. The hair is prettier, better, and easier to ride. "

She said a lot of things, and her requirements were a little tricky.

What did the hair being prettier have to do with riding a horse?

Out of surprise, Luo Xichen was very good-natured this time, and did not say a word to her. His eyes were still fixed on the stables, and he was seriously helping her choose.

Sha Zhixing followed behind him and looked around. She wanted to choose with him, but Luo Xichen pressed her head back when she poked her head out.

Sha Zhixing was very disdainful of his action. She turned her head and took a few steps back to chat with Gu Yiran.

Luo Xichen helped her choose a horse a minute or two later and brought it out.

"Are you done? " Sha Zhixing was delighted by his action and ran over happily. However, her expression changed when she saw the horse in his hand.

Luo Xichen was holding a very small horse. It was white and its fur was soft and fine. It was very short, probably not even to Sha Zhixing's waist... ...

"It's white, and its fur is prettier. It's good and easy to ride! " Luo Xichen patted the Horse's back and introduced them one by one. His requests were all mentioned by her.

Sha Zhixing's face turned green after that. She glanced at the short body of the pony and was completely speechless by him.

This horse was indeed good and easy to ride, but was it the same as hers?

Was He playing with her?

Mo Yichen and the others burst out laughing when they saw the horse. Their laughter was especially loud, and it did not die down in the empty racecourse for a long time.

"Second Young Master, when did you become so humorous? " Mo Yichen put an arm on Mo Yichen's shoulder, his words full of ridicule.

"GET LOST! " Luo Xichen replied expressionlessly.

Mo Yichen touched his nose and stepped aside in embarrassment.

"I don't want this! " Sha Zhixing's self-esteem was seriously hurt when she saw the horse. How old was she, and she still rode such a horse?

"This is the best horse to ride. " Luo Xichen's expression did not change.

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him. Was He just playing with her?

Mo Yichen turned his head and looked at the two of them from the corner of his eyes. He pursed his lips and smiled faintly.

Wasn't Xichen a little too protective?

Sha Zhixing did not realize this problem. In addition, Luo Xichen also liked to joke with her, so she thought that he was playing with her on purpose.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a while. Sha Zhixing simply pushed the horse that he was leading away and began to choose her own horse in the stable.

In the end, she chose an adult horse that was slightly taller.

Other than Mo Ningyu, everyone who came here today was an equestrian. It was not that Mo Ningyu did not understand it, but she did not have the chance to interact with them. It was just that her character in the past was not capable of riding a horse.