Chapter 414-reconciliation

Now that she was here and everyone was playing, she wanted to learn as well.

Sha Zhixing rode around the Horse Farm and saw that she kept trying to get on the horse. She got off the horse and prepared to teach her.

In fact, as long as Mo Ningyu did not destroy her relationship with Luo Xichen, Sha Zhixing could still forget about the past and be her friend. She did not want Mo Yichen and Luo Xichen's relationship to become strained because of Mo Ningyu.

"Come, I'll hold you. Hold on to the reins later. I'll show you once. " Sha Zhixing held her waist and helped her get on the horse. She showed her how to ride the Horse First.

Sha Zhixing's horsemanship could not be said to be very good, but it was still considered good among women. Every movement, even the back of the Horse, was very beautiful, and there was a sense of handsomeness in her bones.

This temperament was the biggest difference between her and Mo Ningyu. The former Mo Ningyu was too arrogant and focused on the image of a socialite. It was almost impossible for her to do what she did now.

However, looking at Sha Zhixing now, she actually had the urge to learn. She even wondered if it was the unique temperament on her that attracted Luo Xichen.

"Let me try! ''Holdingg the reins tightly,MooNingyuu tried to move her horse.Shee had not even taken two steps when her body began to shake.

Mo Yichen, who was not far away, saw her and was so scared that he threw his reins away. He ran over to help stabilize her. "Ningyu, you can take your time with this. It won't be okay. "

Mo Yichen only had one daughter in the MO family. He still cherished his sister very much.

"brother, it's okay! " Mo Ningyu comforted her and rode on the horse for a short distance again.

Those who had just learned did not have a sense of balance and did not know how to master techniques. They only knew how to hold on to the reins and did not know anything else. Their bodies swayed on the reins as if they could fall at any time.

Mo Yichen followed beside her with a nervous expression. He was so scared that cold sweat was dripping down his face. When he looked at his current actions, he felt like a nagging old woman.

"Ningyu, be good. Listen to your brother. Let's get a professional teacher to teach us some other day. How about it? " After another round of persuasion, Mo Yichen tried to help her down.

"brother, I'm fine. " Mo Ningyu ignored him. Perhaps it was because Sha Zhixing had piqued her interest, but she was very motivated at this time and insisted on learning by herself.

Sha Zhixing actually did not advocate being pampered. To learn a skill, it was necessary to suffer a little. So, she did not help Mo Yichen persuade her. She even took her slowly in front.

The two of them, one at the front and one at the back, and Mo Yichen, who was in charge of supporting them. The scene of the three of them was a little strange. It was unknown how long they had been on the horse field until it was almost dark.

Luo Xichen did not know what was wrong with him. When Sha Zhixing passed by him, he suddenly picked her up and placed her in front of him.

"What are you doing? " Sha Zhixing did not shy away from him. She turned her head to look at him with an expressionless face.

"The weather is really good today. " Luo xichen looked at the sky above him as if nothing had happened. He held her waist with one hand and the reins with the other. Suddenly, he started to ride the Horse Leisurely on the horse farm.

Sha Zhixing looked up at the sky that was still covered in a few dark clouds and her lips twitched.

The weather today was really good... ... It should rain again soon ? ?