Chapter 415: Where do you keep your hands?

Before the rain started, Sha Zhixing had a feeling that she would be drenched for the third time today.

Luo Yichen and Sha Zhixing Rode on the same horse and leisurely walked around the horse farm, enjoying the ride.

On the other side, Mo Yichen was still teaching Mo Ningyu. Mo Ningyu was smart and learned quickly. With a little guidance, she could get a general idea.

Gu Yiran and Mu Siyan played for a while and then sat on the rest field. The two of them sat side by side, their eyes on Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing. They were whispering in their ears.

The scene looked even more intimate than the two people on the horses. Mu Siyan was even smiling.

A man who was usually very cold would only smile when he was around a woman like Gu Yiran.

The scene was very warm.

On the field, Sha Zhixing had been on Luo Xichen's horse for a long time. Now that she was being stared at by the two people, she felt uncomfortable.

After struggling for a while, Luo Xichen suddenly increased the speed of the horse. The Black Horse galloped on the field for a while and suddenly rushed into a forest in front of them.

Sha Zhixing did not know what he was going to do in the forest, but she felt a lot more at ease without so many pairs of eyes staring at her.

Luo xichen still maintained the posture of holding her with one arm. He slowed down a lot after entering the forest and looked very casual.

Sha Zhixing looked up at the sky above her and reminded, "it's going to get dark soon! "

"So what? " Luo Xichen's tone was lazy.

"Go back early! " There were too many unknown factors in the forest at night and it was not easy to watch the road. Sha Zhixing was still a little vigilant after what happened to the two of them last time in the forest on the island.

"I know, " Luo Xichen comforted her gently. His hand touched her hand and led her to grab the reins. He put his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder, narrowing his eyes in enjoyment.

His actions were very shameless. He still let Sha Zhixing control the Horse, while he did things that had nothing to do with riding the horse. What was even more shameless was that his hand stopped on her waist for a while, and then he began to get restless.

"Luo Xichen, what are you doing? ! " Sha Zhixing was shocked by the sudden action and almost fell off the horse.

"I'm hugging you. " Luo Xichen's hand had already reached into her clothes, but he spoke as if nothing had happened.

"where did you put your hand? ''ShaaZhixingg twisted her body in his arms, her eyes filled with anger. Takee it out! "

"What does it matter? " Luo Xichen looked at her disdainfully.

Sha Zhixing was so angry that she wanted to punch him in the stomach.

Why does this person always like to act like a hooligan everywhere?

Luo Xichen smiled faintly, and his hands became even more vicious on her. ...

Sha Zhixing's body stiffened as she allowed Luo Xichen to do whatever he wanted. Her palm-sized face flushed red.

Luo Xichen was very satisfied with her cooperation. His hands moved restlessly around her body, taking advantage of her as he pleased. He even turned his head and moved his large hands over her face, kissing her on the lips.

Sha Zhixing did not know how much longer he wanted to do this. She also knew that if he wanted to do something, ordinary people would not be able to stop him. So, she decided to save her strength and push him away, allowing him to do whatever he wanted... ...