Chapter 416 was all caused by the second young master

However, such acquiescence was undoubtedly indulgent to Luo Xichen.

The hand holding her Chin tightened, and his kiss slowly became more intense. The position of his lips also began to move down slowly.

Sha Zhixing's breathing was a little chaotic. She bit her lips tightly, trying to control herself from making any sound that would cause people to daydream.

Luo Xichen was very satisfied with her cooperation. The corners of his lips curled up into a smile, and his hand patted her cheek as a reward. "Good-girl! "

Then, he whispered into her ear, "Zhixing, you can call them out. They won't come here without knowing what's good for them. "

"Shut up! " Sha Zhixing glared at him with a red face. She pushed him with her elbow and sped up.

The black horse ran in the forest for a while and turned to leave.

Before it could walk out completely, a bolt of lightning came from above, followed by patter of rain.

The rain was very heavy. Every drop hit her body like beans, and it was a little painful.

Sha Zhixing's face turned black.

She knew that nothing good would come out of this!

It was all Luo Xichen's fault!

Luo Xichen did not know how to reflect, and even stretched out his hand to help her block the rain.

Sha Zhixing was not in the mood to stay here any longer. She grabbed the reins and rode out of the jungle.

When they arrived at the racecourse, Mo Yichen and the others had already packed up and were sitting in the resting room waiting for the two of them.

Seeing that the two of them were in a sorry state again, the expressions of the group of people were a little strange.

"Is the scenery in the forest good? " Mu Siyan's lips curled into a faint smile.

"It's fine. You can think about it next time. " Luo Xichen helped Sha Zhixing off the horse without batting an eyelid.

Sha Zhixing's expression was a little awkward. They had always joked around a lot. She was afraid that they might say something funny after a while. She walked to the front of the Horse Farm as if nothing had happened. "Let's go back! "

Luo Xichen followed behind her slowly. When he thought of the scene in the forest, he could not help but smile.

When Mo Ningyu went out, she had been with Sha Zhixing the whole time. She kept asking her questions about riding horses, such as how long she had studied, why she suddenly learned this, and how to balance her body How to hold on to the reins and so on.

The daughter of a wealthy family who used to be aloof and Aloof had instantly become a chatterbox when she met Sha Zhixing.

That chatterbox made Mo Yichen dumbfounded.

However, compared to the previous her, he still preferred the lively her now.

Ning Yu seemed to have really changed a lot... ...

"brother, when we go back, can you get the servants to flatten the back garden of our house and turn it into a Horse Farm? " Mo ningyu seemed to be very motivated today. After chatting with Sha Zhixing for a while, she suddenly turned her head and walked to Mo Yichen's side in a few steps, acting coquettishly towards him.

Mo Yichen's lips twitched and he rubbed her head lovingly. "Okay, whatever you want. "

As long as she didn't do anything to hurt others, he would let her do whatever she wanted to flatten the house, not to mention the backyard!

The weather was a bit changeable today. After leaving the club, the few of them did not continue the Party and drove off.

The first thing Sha Zhixing did when she returned to the castle was to fight for the bathroom with Luo Xichen. She hugged her clothes and walked into the bathroom with a puff of smoke.

However, before she could enter, Luo xichen suddenly stood by the door and blocked her way with a hand in front of her.

"Let's go together! " He suggested as he thought of the long bath time she had taken.

Sha Zhixing was speechless