Chapter 420: follow the second young master

Sha Zhixing was speechless by his words.

Was a child like a pet to him?

"Hmm? " Luo Xichen asked as he picked up a strand of her hair with his fingertips and smelled her fresh fragrance.

"It's late. It's time to rest! " Sha Zhixing did not answer him directly. She pushed him aside and wrapped herself in the blanket.

Luo Xichen lay down beside her and hugged her from behind. He pulled her into his arms easily and rested his Chin on her shoulder. His voice was intoxicating and gentle. "Zhixing, do you like boys or girls? "

Sha Zhixing was a little stunned after hearing his words. She looked out of the window in a daze.

Boys and girls?

If she were to answer such a question, it would definitely be a boy and a girl. It would be best to have two at a time. It would be simple and convenient, and she would not have to suffer another 10 months of pregnancy.

However, she had not really thought about the issue of the child yet. She did not want to be an unmarried mother.

"We'll talk about it when GRANDPA COMES BACK! " She shrunk her body away from him in disgust. Sha Zhixing's words were very perfunctory, but Luo Xichen was completely blocked by them.

This made him feel like he was being beaten up again.

However, he was not wrong.

The old man had not come back for a day, and it was impossible for them to get engaged for a day. The child would have to come after all these plans.

With a heavy heart, Luo Xichen's hands massaged her soft waist as if he was venting. He bit her lips and rubbed them hard for a while. Then, he hugged her in an absolutely domineering manner and fell asleep.

The next day, before breakfast time, Luo Xichen received a call from Mu Siyan. It seemed that he had something important to say. The two of them chatted on the phone for a long time.

Then, Luo Xichen rushed upstairs to change his clothes. It seemed like he was going out.

Sha Zhixing sat at the dining table and looked at his hurried actions. She frowned suspiciously. "What happened? "

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at her. He thought for a few seconds and seemed like he wanted to say something. His lips moved, but he did not say anything in the end.

Sha Zhixing stared at him, and her eyebrows furrowed even more.

Did he have something on his mind?

"I have something to attend to. I'll see you at the office at noon. " Luo Xichen said simply and turned to go to the garage.

Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly. She recalled the look in his eyes and felt that there was something wrong with him.

Sha Zhixing looked at him from the corner of her eyes. She stood up and tiptoed out of the door. She wanted to follow him, but Hai Luo and Hai Zhu suddenly jumped out.

"sister, what are you doing? " Hai Zhu looked at her in confusion. Her Beautiful Eyes showed the innocence of a child.

"stupid Hai Zhu, can't you tell that I'm following you? " Hai Luo mocked her like an adult. She walked in front of Sha Zhixing and headed in the direction where Luo Xichen had disappeared, ignoring the strange looks from the other two.

"Is it fun? I'll join in too! " Hai Luo was born to join in the fun. She was eager to join in as well.

"STOP RIGHT THERE! " Sha Zhixing was afraid that the two children would cause trouble and wanted to pull them back. However, Luo Xichen, who was not far away, turned his head slightly.

Sha Zhixing's expression changed slightly. She quickly pulled the two children to a large pillar.

Luo Xichen did not seem to notice. He got into the car and slowly started the engine to leave... ...