Chapter 421, the Young Madam of the Luo family

Sha Zhixing wanted to drive a car to follow them, but as soon as she sat in the driver's seat, Hai Zhu and Hai Luo opened the car door and got into the car.

"What are you doing? " Sha Zhixing turned her head and glanced at the two of them, ready to ask them to get out of the car at any time.

"FOLLOWING SISTER! " Hai Luo answered matter-of-factly.

"Who told you that I was following them? " Sha Zhixing's face was stiff, and her tone sounded serious.

"Isn't it? " Hai Zhu and Hai Luo's two similar faces were together, smiling at her with narrowed eyes.

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

Was it that easy to tell?

Well, she was indeed following them.

However, her purpose of following them was definitely not for fun. Luo xichen still had some unsolved secrets to her. She might get some answers after following them once or twice.

"Hai Zhu, Hai Luo, you two go down first. I'm going to do some serious work. " Sha Zhixing smiled. She had covered it up well even though she had been exposed.

Hai Luo was very disdainful of her words. Hai Zhu mimicked her and smiled. "We're going to do some serious work too! "

Sha Zhixing was speechless

"sister, let's drive. WE WON'T DO ANYTHING BAD! " Hai Algae leaned her head in her direction and called her "sister" sweetly.

Sha Zhixing pressed her head back into the back seat and looked at Luo Xichen's car, which was getting further and further away. She did not have time to think and started the car.

Actually, she was not worried about bad things. Hai Luo's iq was much higher than children of the same age. She might be able to help Luo Xichen when the time came.

She was more worried about Hai algae, but at this point, she had to keep up with Luo Xichen!

"Both of you sit tight! " Sha Zhixing reminded the two children behind her and sped up.

Her driving skills were very good. As long as Luo Xichen did not drive at a fast speed, it would not be difficult for her to catch up with him.

The two sports cars ran one after the other on the road. This time, Luo xichen's speed was not very fast. He kept a stable distance from Sha Zhixing and crossed a few streets before stopping at a very high-end Western restaurant.

Luo Xichen got out of the car first. He did not look back and went straight into the restaurant.

Sha Zhixing only opened the door a few minutes after he went in. She took out a pair of large sunglasses to cover half of her face and followed him with her two children.

However, she was stopped by the waiter as soon as she entered the restaurant.

"Hello, Miss, do you have an appointment? " The young waiter was very friendly. However, as soon as he finished speaking, he glanced at Sha Zhixing, who was wearing a pair of slippers and a pair of hot pants and a t-shirt, and added, "I'm sorry, Miss. We only provide entertainment for dignitaries and people from all walks of life. "

The waitress was still smiling when she said this. Her tone was very friendly, but... ... What was she saying ? ?

Did she despise her for not having power or money?

Sha Zhixing felt that she was being looked down upon. She looked out in the direction where Luo Xichen had disappeared. She was a little anxious, but the waitress was talking to her again.

She looked in the direction where Luo Xichen had left. Sha Zhixing lowered her eyes and thought for a few seconds. The corners of her lips suddenly curved into a smile. She said to the waitress calmly, "I'm the wife of the man who just went in! "

The waiter looked at her with his eyes wide open.

Young Master Shao is married!