Chapter 443

An Xin and Sha Nanfeng stared at the two of them for a long time.

Luo Xichen let them look at him calmly, as if nothing had happened.

Sha Zhixing, on the other hand, was very uncomfortable. She withdrew her hand from his chest and slowly raised her head. She looked stiffly at the two people in front of her and tidied up her messy clothes. She smiled at Sha Nanfeng and his wife "I didn't sit properly and fell down. I'm fine, " she said nonchalantly

Although she was embarrassed, she sounded unusually calm when she said this. It felt very similar to Luo Xichen's current expression. The two of them had a good understanding of each other.

"It doesn't matter if you're not fine. Carry on, " an Xin added and turned her head.

The corner of Sha Zhixing's lips twitched and she punched Luo Xichen's chest lightly.

Luo Xichen grunted and held her wrist. He pressed her hand down and continued to help him pull his tie.

Sha Zhixing wanted to remind her parents that they were still ahead and to watch their image. However, reasoning with him was usually hard to explain.

She glanced at an Xin who was focused on driving. Sha Zhixing turned around and helped Luo Xichen remove his tie a few times. She was afraid that he would lose his composure and even tidied up his collar on purpose.

Luo Xichen looked down at her actions and smiled faintly.

She looked more and more like a little wife now.

When Sha Zhixing looked up, she caught the smile on his lips. It was gentle and delicate. She frowned and touched his forehead. "You don't have a fever, do you? " She asked calmly

Luo Xichen's handsome face darkened. He pressed her hand down and asked, "do I look like this? "

Sha Zhixing looked at him for a while and replied, "who knows? "

Her tone was a little disdainful.

Luo Xichen frowned slightly and his face seemed to darken.

Had he treated her too poorly in the past So much so that a smile would arouse her suspicion!

Luo Xichen was about to reflect on himself when Sha Zhixing suddenly turned her eyes to him and looked at his slightly open chest. Then, she said calmly, "it doesn't look like a fever, it looks like a fever! "

Her voice was very beautiful to begin with, and her words were unusually clear when she spoke. The last two words made Luo Xichen's face contort.

This wretched girl... ... needs a slap ! !

Sha Zhixing looked at his expression and felt extremely happy. However, she did not openly show her happiness under his eyes. She turned her head and looked out of the car window as if nothing had happened.

The sports car drove slowly on the road. Luo Xichen did not make a single sound behind her.

The excessive silence surprised Sha Zhixing.

This was not his style. With his personality, if she teased him like this, she would definitely start raping and ravaging him!

Why did this feel like the prelude to a storm?

Sha Zhixing felt that the situation was a little strange. She turned her head and carefully glanced at him from the corner of her eyes.

Luo Xichen sat lazily in the car, his eyes slightly closed. The mottled neon lights outside the car window reflected his handsome face, casting a silhouette on his nose, making him look a little blurry at this time The expression on his face was calm, as if he did not hear her words.