Chapter 442: Like a wife

Luo Xichen put his long arm around Sha Zhixing's shoulder and pressed her head against his. He knocked her head lightly with his knuckles.

"Luo Xichen, what are you doing? ! " Sha Zhixing cried out in pain and jumped a little further.

Luo Xichen glanced at her lazily and turned around as if nothing had happened. He continued to drink with Sha Nanfeng. "Uncle, let's continue! "

He had just finished speaking when Sha Zhixing glanced at him.

Luo Xichen's hand that was holding the glass of wine stiffened under her gaze. He was about to clink glasses with Sha Nanfeng when he stopped.

Sha Nanfeng Understood Sha Zhixing's gaze and it was getting late. He quickly said, "alright, Zhixing will be worried if you keep drinking. "

Luo Xichen actually wanted to have a few drinks with him. Although the two families were familiar with each other, it was rare for them to sit together and have a good meal. It was a rare atmosphere.

However, Sha Zhixing did not want him to drink too much. He had to listen to her. He liked the way she cared for him like a wife. If he really drank too much later, it would not end well.

The gathering between the two families ended after that. Luo Xichen and Luo Enqi drank when they went out. The Luo family sent their chauffeur to pick them up.

An Xin did not drink, so she could drive. Sha Zhixing got into her car and was about to leave when Luo Xichen, who was supposed to be in his private car, suddenly appeared outside the car window and started knocking on the car door.

The parents of both parties looked at the two of them at the same time.

Sha Zhixing was a little embarrassed to be stared at by so many pairs of eyes. She rolled down the car window a little and asked expressionlessly, "what's wrong? "

Luo Xichen ignored her and pulled the back door open. He pushed her to the side and sat next to her in the back seat.

An Xin turned her head and looked at him meaningfully before starting the car.

Sha Nanfeng sat in the front seat while only Sha Zhixing and Luo xichen sat in the back seat.

Luo Xichen drank countless cups and felt a little hot. A few minutes after he got into the car, he tugged at his collar a little impatiently and started tugging at his tie again.

He tugged at it a few times but did not pull it off. He asked Sha Zhixing to help him again.

He did not ask for her help when he made this request. Instead, he led her hand directly to his collar and even asked her to help him untie it.

Sha Zhixing's face turned a little red when she saw what he did without any hesitation.

She looked at Sha Nanfeng and his wife sitting in front of her, then at Luo Xichen's half-untied clothes and her hand that was resting on his chest. She looked a little embarrassed.

If her parents in front of her saw this scene, they might think that she and he could not hold it in anymore?

Sha Zhixing was shocked by her own thoughts. She hit Luo Xichen's shoulder lightly and tried to pull her hand out, but Luo Xichen pressed down on her wrist and refused to let go.

The two of them refused to let go. From time to time, they would chime in with Sha Zhixing's reproachful voice. "Luo Xichen, don't do this! "

After a few rounds of stalemate, Sha Zhixing was no match for Luo Xichen. Luo Xichen pulled her into his arms and she fell onto his body.

Sha Nanfeng and an Xin turned their heads at the same time.

Sha Zhixing happened to be lying on top of Luo Xichen, her head still buried in his arms. Luo Xichen's collar was wide open, revealing a large piece of wheat-colored skin. His clothes were in a mess, and his eyes were blurry Why did it look like... ... that ? ?