Chapter 441 a daughter-in-law meets her in-laws

Luo Xichen said, "mom, your daughter-in-law is too shy to meet her in-laws before she even enters the house. "

His tone was very calm and casual. It was as if he was saying, "the weather is really nice today. ".

Sha Zhixing was a little embarrassed. Wen Lan could not help but smile and look at him strangely.

A person who was usually as cold as ice had actually made such a joke.

She had never heard him speak like this since she raised him. The few times he spoke like this, it seemed to be in front of Sha Zhixing.

Wen Lan did not know what to say to Luo Xichen.

However, after what he said, the atmosphere was much more relaxed and Wen lan was in a much better mood.

"Why are all of you out? Are you done eating? " Wen Lan smiled at SI zhixing. Wen Lan put her hand on her arm and led her into the house.

Si Zhixing was stunned by her actions.

She looked at their hands and then at Wen Lan's gentle side profile. She thought for a few seconds and smiled.

What was she worried about The person in front of her was an elder who had watched her grow up. Even if he did not want her to be with Luo Xichen, he would probably give in for the sake of his happiness, right?

With that thought, Sha Zhixing relaxed a little.

Luo xichen slowly followed behind the two of them. He smiled as he looked at the mother and daughter holding hands.

Although he did not understand why Wen lan did not like him and Sha Zhixing being together, it was not difficult for Luo Xichen to settle his family.

Moreover, Wen Lan had not been involved in many things since they were young.

The three of them returned to the dining table.

An Xin saw Wen lan and asked with a smile, "what took you so long? "

"It's nothing. I was chatting with Xi Chen outside for a while. " Wen Lan smiled faintly and sat back down beside her.

The two families were family friends and they were so familiar with each other. They talked about a lot of topics. The unhappiness on Wen lan's face quickly faded and she quickly started chatting with an Xin.

Sha Zhixing helped Luo Enqi with the wine. Luo Enqi had been toasted by Sha Nanfeng many times and they did not drink much. After a while, the two of them could not hold it in anymore.

Sha Zhixing was dragged to the rescue by Luo Xichen.

Then, the situation at the dining table turned into a drinking match between the father and daughter of the Sha family.

Sha Nanfeng had a very good tolerance for alcohol. He could drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. Sha Zhixing had inherited it from Luo Xichen, so she could hold her liquor well. At least a few cups wouldn't be a problem for her.

Luo Xichen looked down on Luo ENQI's behavior. How could a man ask a woman to stop the drinking And he even dragged his wife!

What he hated more was that Sha Zhixing drank so much.

He walked to the two of them and sat down next to her. Luo Xichen took her glass and helped her drink the wine generously.

Sha Zhixing was a little surprised. She stared at him for a long time and did not make a sound.

Luo Xichen ignored her and continued to drink with Sha Nanfeng. When they were about to drink the tenth glass, Sha Zhixing said slowly, "Xichen, even you drank. Who will be the chauffeur later? "

She sounded very serious and even a little worried. It was as if the only purpose of his existence was to clean up the mess later and be the chauffeur.

Luo Xichen's hand that was holding the glass of wine stiffened, and his expression was a little twisted.

Did this girl see him as a driver?


He had created a new V group, group number: 153719867. Wenwen had made a lot of changes this time. In the future, if there was a need for the original version of the V group, the 77s would be posted in the V group.