Chapter 453: The most intense hug

In the garden of the Sha family, Sha Zhixing stood with her back to him in a cluster of flowers. She bent down as if picking flowers.

She was wearing a very comfortable dress. It was idyllic with a light green color. The mist was swirling around her. The thin morning light fell on her body, gilding her with a layer of hazy gold.

Luo Xichen sat in the car. He looked past the hollowed-out iron gate and quietly watched her figure in the garden with her back to him. He had been in a low mood for a few days. It was as if layers of mist had been lifted in an instant, and he suddenly felt much better.

His thin lips curved into a faint smile. He pushed open the car door and walked towards her step by step.

The Garden of the Sha family was a little small, but it was decorated very warmly. Every plant was carefully cultivated by an Xin.

Sha Zhixing was not as quiet as an Xin and Wen Lan. She did not like to arrange flowers and plants like an Xin and Wen lan did. They would chat and look at flowers when they were free to pass the time.

It was an Xin who asked her to be here at this time today.

She woke up a little early this morning and could not fall asleep after waking up. As a result, she was led to the garden by an Xin the moment she went downstairs.

There were a lot of flowers and plants in the Sha family's garden. There were all kinds of flowers, and most of the flowers that were planted at home every day were picked from here.

Sha Zhixing came here to work as a free laborer.

She could not understand why an Xin was so willing to order her around on her engagement day?

According to her usual style, shouldn't she be pushing her around to get dressed at such an important time?

Sha Zhixing held a bouquet of white roses and looked at it a few times. She found it a little unpleasant, so she threw the bouquet into the bushes and continued picking.

Luo Xichen walked towards her from outside the door. His steps were slow and steady. He went around the cobblestone path and came straight behind her.

Sha Zhixing was stunned by the familiar footsteps. She stopped what she was doing and raised her head slowly.

She looked at him and was surprised that he had appeared so early. Her eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Why are you so early... " she wanted to ask, but Luo Xichen grabbed her arm and pulled her into his embrace. His arms were tightly wrapped around her body.

He held her very tightly. He held her very hard and his arms were very strong. Sha Zhixing felt pain as he held her. It was as if they were going to become one.

Sha Zhixing could even feel his rapid heartbeat and her increased breathing rate.

Her eyes slowly moved up from his arms to the bodies of the two of them, and then to his handsome face in the twilight. She frowned slightly.

Why is it so early in the morning?

"Luo Xichen, let go of me first! " Sha Zhixing was a little uncomfortable with his grip. She gently pinched his arm and reminded him.

Luo xichen still held her tightly. He did not say anything and did not let go of her.

"Luo Xichen! " Sha Zhixing called out to him again. There was a hint of anger in her voice.

She was very confused to be hugged by him so early in the morning.

Luo Xichen only glanced at her indifferently. There was a faint smile on his lips, but he still did not let go of her.

"Let go... cough... " Sha Zhixing clenched her hands into fists and punched him. Suddenly, she coughed ...

Luo Xichen finally reacted to her action. He looked at his arm, which had almost sunk into her flesh, and finally let go of her.