Chapter 454 had been set up

Luo Xichen even helped Sha Zhixing with her back. "Why did you wake up so early this morning? "

"I couldn't sleep. " Sha Zhixing coughed and her face turned red. The place where he had strangled her was still in pain, and her tone was a little unpleasant.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming out? " Luo Xichen asked again.

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him and refused to answer his question.

What was there to report?

She had just woken up a little early and was only walking around in her own garden. Was it necessary to tell him about this?

Luo Xichen had been looking for her nervously because he had not seen her in the room early in the morning. He could not be blamed for that.

Under normal circumstances, she should still be sleeping at this time!

If it were not for her unusual behavior, he would not have asked so many people to look for her early in the morning on the day of the engagement.

"Why can't you sleep? " He took the flower from her hand and asked with concern.

"Didn't you wake up so early too? " Sha Zhixing glanced at him, broke a flower with her fingertips and played with it in her hand.

Luo Xichen touched his nose and smiled faintly.

Sha Zhixing saw his reaction from the corner of her eyes and combined with his excitement when he first came, she thought for a while and guessed it.

He was worried that she wouldn't be attending today, right?

"Zhixing, did you cancel France? " Luo Xichen was still not sure and asked tentatively.

Sha Zhixing straightened up after his words and replied expressionlessly, "No. "

Luo Xichen,"..."

Sha Zhixing took a whiff of a white rose and added, "master didn't say that he would be going back in the next few days. "

She sounded like she was talking to herself, but Luo Xichen was listening attentively.

Luo Xichen's expression darkened when he realized that he had been tricked. However, his lips curled into a faint smile when he thought that she would not leave at such a critical moment.

It was fine as long as she did not leave at such a critical moment.

In fact, Sha Zhixing had never intended to leave during the engagement.

The conflict between the two of them was not a big deal. She was a little upset and wanted to file down Luo Xichen's arrogance, but she was not someone who did not know how to behave!

Although Luo Xichen usually indulged her, Sha Zhixing knew what kind of jokes she could joke about and what kind of jokes she could not touch.

If she really left at such an important occasion as the engagement or marriage, it would not only affect the relationship between the two families, she should consider Luo Xichen's feelings.

Moreover, she had already stood him up once at the birthday party... ...

Sha Zhixing felt very upset when she thought of how he was always looked down upon by so many people, even though it was not her fault that time.

She had not told Luo Xichen directly for the past three days just to humiliate him. Sha Zhixing did not expect that he would go around looking for people so early in the morning on the day of the engagement.

For Luo Xichen, he could easily forgive Sha Zhixing for what she had done, but not on such an important occasion like the wedding. It had nothing to do with losing face. What he cared about was his position in her heart.

If they took each other seriously, an engagement or a wedding would definitely be very important... ...